Saturday, April 12, 2014

Blogger 365 Day 102 - What's next?

      Today marked the 20th day in a row at work, thankfully I managed to get most everything done in relative short order, taking only 5 1/2 hours to do the lottery machines at both locations, a grocery order as well as a tobacco order for our former sore (which is still ordering things through us until they get their own account with Sledd set up) and three different emails of price changes that I needed to catch up on.  Not too shabby for as little as I was there.

     Now comes the fun part, n actual day off and I am not sure what I should do.  I could spend at least part of it running errands, I know there are some things at the store that I need to pick up, groceries would be nice and I am in need of extra light bulbs.  I also have some projects around the house that I need to get to, I have a set of blinds that needs to go up and the handle on my toilet needs replaced.  I have lots of Coke caps that I need to get to as well, not to mention some Pens Points that I need to add to my account if I am going to get any sort of prize out of this contest given how late I started it.  Depending on the weather I could even see me taking a nice long walk in the great outdoors, which would also allow me to go looking for even more caps. 

     I have been mulling over the offer of taking the extra paid day off, I am leaning against it simply because I don't want anyone thinking I am getting preferential treatment at work.  Brian just handed out the memo about calling off and absenteeism a couple of weeks ago, me not being there might create the impression that the rules do not apply to me and that is not the appearance that I want to have out there.  I would rather lead by example, everyone needs to see the that the same rules apply to me as they do to everyone else, so when someone is confronted over something then I am not used as a scapegoat for their own behavior or actions.  It's just the way I roll. 

     I wish my books would have came in the mail, I would have liked to have had them here for my day off but I am sure I have a book or three laying around hat I can crack open in the meantime, maybe I will take one with me in the morning and read on the bus as I start my errands, who knows.  Lots of possibilities, le's see what I can do with the next 24 hours shall we.

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