Saturday, March 8, 2014

Blogger 365 Day 67 - Counting backwards

     Finally I am starting to get the feeling that I am almost back to where I was many millennia ago.  I am not quite where I was before but I am starting to see things on this page moving in the right direction. 

     I was looking on the home page (where you are reading this from probably) the other night, shortly after I had posted one of my blogs and I realized just how far off track I had gotten.  I couldn't believe that in 2012 I had only posted 73 entries for the entire year.  Not that I measure a blog's worth by how many entries it has, but for me to only post that many times and knowing that quite a few of those entries were most likely just hockey video posts, well that is just mind boggling to me.  I can't believe I let myself get that far off track.

     Already this year I am sitting at 88 by comparison, not that I am entirely happy with everything I have written (and my typing skills still leave a lot to be desired), but when I look back and see how little I was doing, it starts to make sense that I have struggled at times so far to grind out anything but the most mundane of posts.  Sure, there was an uptick last year, but I am sure most of those were post August (54 of 153 to be precise) when the proverbial shit hit the fan around these parts.  Now it's more of just me being me, rather than me yelling into the internet void.

     I am still not 100% where I want to be with these entries, my creative energies come in spits and spurts.  I have ideas that pop into my head, but I haven't been able to take those ideas and put forth a definitive blog yet.  Take for instance the whole uprising that has taken place in the Ukraine, I think there is a blog there somewhere, but my mind gets stuck on the idea of "Crimea river". 

     Anyway blogging about trying to come up with blog ideas is so passe, I am sure I could ask everyone else what they would like me to blog about, but chances are the suggested topics would be things of which I know little or nothing about, so instead I will press on, and hope that the creative stuff comes with a little more frequency. 

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