Fucking yahoo, I have already done this once, yet here I am typing it again. I swear to go they suck at this point, and leaving this place is bordering on a damn pleasure.
Okay, my anger issues out of the way, I promised in the last entry that something I had brought up in the past would rear it head today. That something is the first edition of the Bedtime Stories Blog. Basically I pick a book and read it onto the blog page. I can't say whether this is a good idea or not, simply because I can't stand the sound of my own recorded voice and I am not the best reader on the planet. Not that I butcher too many words (though some) but I haven't read out loud in ages, and it is quite an odd sensation to be honest. Anyway, depending on what yinz (slipping into my Pittsburghese) think of this, it will either continue or die a quick and painless death. With that out of the way, we start the Bedtime Stories blog with Christopher Buckley's "No Way to Treat a First Lady".
Yahoo is fucking itself.