Saturday, May 3, 2014

Blogger 365 Day 123 - Alzheimers

     Silly me, I went and did an entry yesterday and was feeling all good about myself for having kept this up as long as I have, though truth be told the last time I attempted this I went probably two thirds of the year before falling behind on entries, and after putting together the entry just what did I do?  I forgot to cross promote the entry on Facebook and Google+ (which I still don't think anybody uses).

     Today was a back in the saddle day for me, catching up on the work I missed yesterday as well as getting a few side projects done that needed addressed.  The empire didn't fall apart n my one day absence, but just the same there were things that didn't get done because I am the only one that knows how to actually do them.  I often joke at work that I am the keeper of the great knowledge, because there are certain things that, without me, can't be done.  I am literally the only one that knows how to do them, like adding new items to the register system or changing the prices of items that are already in the system. 

     Dee knows some things about our new register system, but that knowledge is mostly regarding pulling reports and the like, when it comes to actually making the system work upstairs, that falls almost solely under my purview.   It is almost a layer of job security, not that I need such a layer, but I have one nonetheless.  It is also another reason why I am enjoying the job hunting so much, if a better offer comes along and I sit down with the bosses, I have bargaining chips all my own on the table, my knowledge leaves with me and given Ed's near fear of computers and Brian's lack of knowledge as to how the current system works, once Dee leaves in June to move to Florida my value to the empire increases incrementally.   I am not untouchable (in my eyes no one actually is)  but losing me makes their lives much harder because there isn't anyone there who can sit down and show someone how to do the things that Dee and I do, they would literally have to go back to square one and start all over again.  Power is a glorious thing.  Me, I am just basking in its glory.

     Tomorrow is an off day for me, I will probably spend it in the homestead, the Pittsburgh Marathon does a fine job of keeping anyone from actually getting anywhere so I will stay within the friendly confines, maybe fill out another application or three and work on my breakfast plans for next weekend.  Plans are also glorious things. Just not as glorious as power.


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