Friday, June 24, 2011

Multiply 365 Day 175 - Deadpanned

Greetings from the homefront!!!!   For those with the secret decoder ring, more info will be coming shortly, for those without your foray into my blogging day starts and ends right here.

If you didn't keep up to date on the comments to yesterday's blog, a quick update.  I sort of got the job.  I say sort of because Ed mulled over my proposal yesterday and decided that in fact we could handle the work Amy had been doing in house, but he believes that it is too much for one person (puh leez, don't insult me) and instead will be splitting the work between Belinda and myself.  I can live with that.  Maybe not all of the hours I might have wanted, but I can get more than a few bonus hours from this arrangement.

Anyway, as it is I am home with the family for the weekend.  The trip back was pretty uneventful, at least until the very end when my mom might have deadpanned the funniest line I have heard in ages.  I swear I am not the funniest person in my family, and it is moments like that that prove it. 

The trip from Pittsburgh to Indiana PA is about an hour, but as I surmised the other day, most likely we would stop for dinner, and we did, dropping in on a local diner style place, Dobros, where the food is okay for what it is, but the service at least on this particular occasion was outstanding (The fine people at the Pittsburgh Burger Company could stop by and take lessons).  I had the meatloaf, just because I had been craving it, and after a pretty dull ride with little conversation, we finally started talking a bit when we got to dinner.  Nothing too serious, but just some idle but enjoyable dinner chatter. 

After dinner we continued on our merry way and were talking about stuff Facebook related and I had mentioned that I had seen one of my exes on there a year or so ago, Jen.  Jen and I were together for about 2 and a half years (Jen was the unfortunate recipient of the "bigp butters the roll serenade") and it was probably the most serious relationship I had,involving the ever so dubious prospect of looking at engagement rings.  Of course I was then asked what happened to her, not that I was a font of information on the topic, but I had mentioned we had exchanged maybe one or two messages over the course of my time on Facebook, nothing major.  Of course the fact I said anything to Jen at all just furthered the questions I was now receiving and I had to stop the line of inquisition before it began by saying, "Listen, it was like two messages a year ago, we aren't exactly getting The Beatles back together here."

It was then that my mother said something that was funny (to me anyway) for any of a number of reasons, including the mathematical ones, and the absolute seriousness with which she said it, when she chimed in "The Beatles are half dead."  I think I laughed for 5 minutes in the car.  I have to be careful here, she is sitting across the living room from me and I am afraid I might bust a gut all over again .  Before that can happen I will just call it a night. 


  1. The fact that I was a Stones fan makes that line even funnier. Good luck this weekend. I determined long ago you can't go home again. I think if I had to spend a weekend with my father there may be a police investigation in the end.

  2. And the other half really are dead lmfao!!

  3. your mom got the point..what the hell you doing talking to a half dead ex.. WINK!

  4. Silly me, I actually saw her Facebook page oine day when I was bored just typing in names to see what would happen. I came upon hers and she said something about an upcoming Steelers or Penguins game (I forget which right now) and just left a comment on it. After that we exchanged brief messages, just hi, how are you stuff. I congratulated her on getting married and her two kids (not mine, whew!), but that was the extent of it. Really nothing more to it, but all of a sudden I was now being quizzed on my conversation, which is when I said we weren't getting The Beatles back together and my mom correctly surmising that they are actually half dead.


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