Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Multiply 365 Day 173 - Blast from the not too distant past


And the month just keeps getting better and better.

Greetings kids, how are ya? Things are just peachy keen here, though this week seems to be flying by. Maybe that has something to do with my less than stellar idea of making lasagna last night and finishing up somewhere around 3am. Yes, I was going all “Bill the Belching Gourmet”, though with the caveat of making something a tad more complicated than Kraft Macaroni and Cheese. The plus was though that the food was delicious, At least that was my taking after getting a rave review from the one opinion that mattered at work, and then coming home and heating up some for my own personal consumption.



Any day I can kick a day off doing something that creative (and good) is a good day. And even if that had been the only thing of import that happened today, I would have put Wednesday in the win column. But it wasn't, instead all of the goodness that is my birthday month (and I may have to extend it to the full month of June at this rate) got even better about halfway through my shift at work

I had just finished putting an order in with our Pepsi rep, Tom, and was outside talking to him by his car. It is part of the “good cop” in the good cop/bad cop thing Ed and I have going on, I will always chat up the reps and even give them a hand when they need it. Not that Ed treats them like crap, for the most part he doesn't (unless they really screw up), but I am the guy that constantly reminds them that I don't care how much money they make off of us as long as what we are buying we can sell and make our money as well. If everyone makes money, then we are all happy. So while I sometimes roll my eyes at some of the invoices that eventually come in, like the $17,000 we had come in just the other day, I remind myself that if we hit our price points on all of the stuff on that order and don't get stuck with anything that doesn't sell, that invoice has the potential to bring us maybe $8000 in profit. So I am doing my good cop thing, talking to Tom (for the record I do like most of our reps) and he is showing me pics of he and his wife from this past Halloween while looking for some pricing information in his car. I was probably out there 5 to 10 minutes when I came back inside and was told that there was a young, attractive female looking for me.

Now e had already had an issue with a female this morning. So lady that was probably whacked out on some of those legal drugs (bath salts and or herbal incense) came in the store, after first stumbling into the hair salon next door, bumbling around aimlessly. She ends up coming into our store and was so fucked up that she could barely stand. We ended up calling the paramedics to deal with her, because there was absolutely nothing we could do with anyone in that messed up of a condition.

So when word came that an attractive female was there to see me, my first thought was the worst, that it would be some crazy whacked out chick. So imagine my pleasant surprise when in fact it wasn't that, but was instead none other than Lynn Cullen. She had just finished her internet streaming show downtown and decided to stop over and see me. Now her and I have talked about meeting up some day in town for lunch, since we work literally blocks from each other, but because she is usually done by noon and I am almost always working until at least 3pm, it just never materialized. I am sure if we pick a date Ed would give me an hour or so for lunch with no problem whatsoever. As a matter of fact, after talking to Lynn for about 10 minutes (admittedly this was turning into a day where it seemed like I did nothing) she and I parted company (it turns out she wanted to do lunch, but I had a delivery laying in the store that required my attention) Ed asks me why I didn't introduce him (he was busy meeting with a rep at the time) and I said I didn't want to interrupt him. He say, hell you should have interrupted me, it was just the dairy guys. I said that I thought Lynn wanted to grab some lunch and he said, why didn't you go, just like that. One of the reasons I like my bosses, but I said that I still had things to do. What eventually comes from this is now Ed wants to have lunch with us, which is both cool and terrifying. I imagine the lunch will go something like them both talking about how good I am at my respective jobs (one of the reasons Lynn stopped by was her producer quit) but I also think Ed would spend a significant portion of that time hitting on Lynn. I know how easily he is distracted by the female form.

Now as I mentioned, I don't know if Lynn also there to see about my interest in getting back in the biz as it were, though I can't imagine a gig at her employer would pay all that much and early on I am not sure I could even fit it into my schedule. As much as I like doing radio, at this point an offer would have to be overwhelming for me to remotely consider jeopardizing what I already have, just because I know how tenuous jobs in that field are. Even moreso when the show you are doing is only available on the web. Building a show that is financially viable on that platform would be a huge undertaking. She has been able to make a go of it for a while now (two years +), mostly on her name recognition in this market, but at the end of the day advertisers want to see a return on their investments and I am still not sold on that happening on a webcast. Lynn is in a place where she can do it because she loves it, not because she needs the paycheck, which helps her employers bottom line no doubt. But for the vast number of people in that field that just isn't the case. So if I were to do it, it would have to be as something that could be arranged around my existing schedule, because I know that from a strictly dollars and sense perspective, it would never pay my bills to do that alone.

But that is a pleasant problem to have, knowing people actually want and appreciate you. And it doesn't hurt my ego in the least.

1 comment:

  1. good for the ego..inspiring for the spirit of tomorrow..


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