Monday, July 20, 2015

B365v2.56 - Penis flags and other miscellany

What a weekend it has been, if by that I mean not doing anything at all.  The luxury of going in Friday night to get my stuff done left me with almost two whole days to myself, one and a half if you figure in me sleeping till 3 pm on Saturday.  And I did do things, I caught some of the Pittsburgh Vintage Grand Prix on Saturday and Sunday, as well as taking in two significant walks this weekend ( by significant I mean 2+ miles ).  I even hit the Schenley Pool for some time on Sunday, where I avoided drowning, though there was a cute brunette there who I would not have minded saving me if it came to that.  I would say Hubba, Hubba, but this isn't 1950 calling asking for its adjectives back.

I did get some sun, my body responded by turning a nice shade of pink.  In meat parlance I would now be medium.  But that is it, other than that I have nothing.  I am coming to admire those people who can grind out a blog a day and have them sound fresh and interesting.  Me, I just don't have that kind of mojo.  My mojo has went all el Chapo and run off.

Facebook friends don't say I didn't warn you about Trump, if he doesn't like you he goes the insult route, most recently with John McCain.  This is who he is and what he does, unless you are b list celebrities ready to be a monkey singing and dancing for his amusement on his reality show otherwise  you are stupid or a dummy. 

I saw "Blossom" by Andrew Vachss pop up on my Facebook news feed the other day.  I could have sworn I read all of the Burke novels by a Vachss, but the description wasn't ringing any bells for me. Absolutely nothing.  Usually if I have read a book, if I go back and read the description of it I get a vague recollection of the book itself but this time I came up with a blank.  Perhaps I will have to purchase it from Amazon to make sure.  Because I am making my way through a book but it is a slog, I get maybe a chapter read and my mind is telling me to stop the torture, but I have invested enough time into it that I want to make it through to the end.  

Do people die more in summer or suffer more severe injuries?  I ask because there is a helipad at Presbyterian Hospital here in Oakland and since I have sat down already four different helicopters have come in.  And it is the same most nights in summer weather permitting of course, so I figure either more people are near death and need flown here this time of year or it is a great way to pad their billing by sending out a chopper as opposed to an ambulance.  

I disconnected my cell phone number from Facebook the other day.  Mind you I have one of those ancient flip phones, one step above the giant cell phones used in Miami Vice, the type where to get the phone into your pocket you have to have a better than average grasp at Tetris.  Anyway I don't play games on my phone, but I will use it sometimes to see if I have any Facebook notifications.   Which was well and good for months now, I flip open the phone, follow the Facebook links and I am in.  But the other day I had posted a comment on something Jerry Bowyer had written, and all of a sudden I start getting text messages.  Literally any time someone else posted something in the same thread my phone would go off.  People who know me know I hate my phone as it is, I don't like talking on it and usually if it goes off at work, the first thing I say is "Now what?".  So you can just imagine how irked I was that my phone was telling me useless shit, like someone else's comment on the same Facebook post.  I don't know why it started doing that, it never had before, but I went in and removed my number just the same.  Rather that then be aggravated all the time.  Next my blood pressure will be over 200 and I don't think I be needing that.

I did see an interesting job post in my email the other day.  I say interesting only because of what the ad said.  Block by Block was looking for coordinators for their downtown teams. They basically run around cleaning up litter and redoing the plants downtown, but the ad said they work closely with the Pittsburgh a Police.  Yes they had work and the Pittsburgh Police in the same sentence.  As I have written about previously, the next time the police do anything for me at work downtown, it will be the first time in 5 1/2 years they have done anything.

My trip to the pool today was a lot like your first school dance.  All of the cute girls would sit on the edge of the pool everyone else would be swimming and diving in.  I did have an embarrassing moment though, I had gotten out of the pool and grabbed my things to go, when I took out my iPad, I took it with me to the pool when I wrote my last blog entry before it started overheating.  No it isn't a common thing for my iPad to do, but my bookbag  is black, the iPad cover is black and I was out in the sun, so there was a reason why it was acting up.  But I had gotten it cooled off enough to where it would work again, and I wanted to walk over and get some pictures of the auto race.  So I leave the pool area and I climbed a small mound to get a better view of the race cars that were whizzing by.  But as I climbed the mound I heard a rip.  The front of my swimsuit ripped.  Now I do not have porn star genitalia that wanted to come bursting through, nor to I have Hulk - like leg muscles that can not be contained by mortal clothing.  Luckily it did not affect the inner lining of my trunks, otherwise I might have caused an accident with cars zipping by and my penis flapping in the breeze.  I could just picture the interview with the race winner now, " Yea some white dude was along the track waving his penis around like a Confederate flag."

See, I told you I didn't have a lot to say.  By the way, here comes helicopter # 5 now.

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