Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Multiply 365 Day 193 - That's fine work there Lou


This is probably what I dislike most about drinking. Sure, as I sit here and type I could list lots of thinks that aren't particularly good: the money spent, chance of being hungover/sick, blacking out, possibility of doing something embarrassing while drunk, etc. Now I have been drinking long enough (in general, not just this evening) that I can avoid some of those things, rare is the time that I drink till I puke and almost as rare is the time where I drink and I start losing pieces of the evening. Probably the last time that happened was an employee night out maybe a year ago now. But I do like to have me a drink or two, I seem to be doing that much more the last week or so, and today was no exception.

The drinking was fine, a couple of Long Island Iced Teas at the 110 and a few beers at my neighborhood tavern. Then a trip to the corner store for some microwave goodies, because one of the dead giveaways to a night (or for me afternoon) of drinking is that I get a hankering for food that in reality probably isn't food at all, just lots of chemicals and food dyes and stuff. So I purchased some fine bbq rib sandwiches and got home and threw them in the microwave. I ate them with no problem and by about 6pm my head had hit the pillow and I am sure I was snoring quite loudly.

But then I woke up. Roughly 30 minutes ago, my blog alert system telling me that if I don't get up I most assuredly will miss a 365 entry. And really, that just can't happen. The problem is now, as I sit here and type I am also trying to play Columbo and piece together everything I did before falling asleep, because while I remember everything from a general standpoint, I am unsure of the specifics, like where my keys are. I am sure they are around here someplace, perhaps buried in my recliner or out by my laptop bag in the kitchen, and I am sure if I find my keys I will also find the cigarettes I bought as well. But trying to retrace my drunken footsteps is like trying to catch a housefly with chopsticks. Sure it can be done, but usually by people with far greater skill sets than myself. Wish me luck.


  1. So several hours ago I had tidied up, eaten dinner, watched my allotted tv for the night and was ready for bed all that was left was blog reading. I kept impatiently refreshing multiply and silently cursing you and now I see it was because of the devils juice. Lol

    Just busting your chops. Hope you don't have a hangover tomorrow. Look forward to the regularly scheduled blogs.

  2. I am quite sober, but the stupidity of falling asleep/passing out from 6pm-10:30pm is catching up to me, I am sitting here typing at 2am and I have to be at work at 7am.

    And I found the cigarettes, they were in my shirt pocket. Another mystery solved.


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