Saturday, July 9, 2011

Multiply 365 Day 190 - Everyday is like Sunday

Is it over yet?  Actually it isn't there is still tomorrow before this weekend ends.  And really, isn't it sad when you are rooting for the weekend to be over just.  But that is pretty much the boat I am in right now.  

Today my family had a big reunion, like they do every year.  I got a message from my aunt, she said over 90 people showed up this year, certainly a good turnout even by our clan's standards, but I was not among the attending.  Instead I was at work.  Mind you I am sure had I requested it off Ed would have given it to me, but since he just signed off on a raise for me on my last paycheck and a couple of weeks before that entrusted me with keys, then sometimes you just have to suck it up.  Not matter how much you don't want to.  One of the many things to happen because of the 4th of July is that our grocery deliveries this week were pushed back a day, so while we would normally get them on Monday, Wednesday and Friday this week it went the Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday route.  I suppose I could have blown off the Saturday delivery by either ordering more stuff on Thursday or just holding out for the Monday delivery, but since I am usually in to place the Monday order on Saturday anyway I figured what the hell, just do the delivery on Saturday and be done with it.  So I get up way too early and decide that I will head off to breakfast, Deluca's to be more precise.

And really, Deluca's was the day's highlight.  Grilled country chicken is always a good way to start the day.  Today though I was flying solo, Sammy was taking the day off and Amy was actually going to the family reunion, so instead it was just me sitting at the counter, woofing down some excellent food and reading my book, though it was at a point in the book where there were lots of numbers so I am not sure how much retention was actually taking place.  But the coffee was awesome, eggs very tasty and the chicken smothered in sausage gravy and topped with cheddar cheese just divine.  When I die they will cut me open and rather than blood they will find a Stretch Armstrong like syrupy substance in my veins.  After breakfast I went and walked the 25 or so blocks into work, it is always good to try to burn off some of the calories that were just eaten before lethargy takes hold. 

I get to work and John is in the office, catching up on some more paperwork he missed over his vacation, so I decide that while waiting for the Sledd delivery to arrive I would go ahead and take a crack at a couple of newspaper invoices that I hadn't attempted yet.  Turns out they were much ado about nothing, I busted them out in about 20 minutes.  No problem.  Then it was a matter of hurrying up and waiting for the delivery and that didn't show up until almost 10am.  Which sucked because I had other things I needed to do at our other store but couldn't until I got our order in the store, checked in and put away.  So I don't get done with the grocery order till somewhere around 12pm, then it is off to Universal News because the tobacco rep was in this week and all of the cigarette pricing changed, so I had to run down there and get into their system and change all of the pricing on pretty much every type of cigarette they carry.  Then go out on the floor and change all of the signage to reflect the new prices.  And finally I finished up with placing a cigarette order for them for Monday, nothing too extravagant, just around 60 cartons.  I was then supposed to go back to Smithfield and place an order for us but by then I was too tired, having gotten up early and spending the last 6 hours between two different locations so I just said fuck it, and I will do it Sunday morning.  Or maybe late tonight if I can't sleep, I really haven't decided yet.  

But because we got an order in today, that also means there is another invoice lying on my desk waiting for me as well.  The hits just keep on coming.  And a large portion of this time I am thinking I probably should have went to the reunion instead.  I know we were finally supposed to draw names for Christmas Eve, and while I am sure my name was put in, I have no idea whose name I got.  Not that I have plans on shopping this weekend, but I could have at least started the idea process where I start poking around and finding out just what it is my selection needs or wants.  Me, hell buying for me is easy, I usually have a blog on the topic.

But anyway, I finally did drag my backside home, I went and bought a bus pass for next week.  Not real keen on spending the money versus riding my bike, but I have been taking my laptop to work and I am not real comfortable yet with the idea of riding my bike with the laptop over my shoulder at the same time.  Truth be told, I probably don't even need the laptop at work, but I take it so I don't tie up the office computer with useless stuff.  I still need on that one for price changes (which I also have to do on Sunday) but for stupid things like checking the company email I really don't need to be bogging down the office computer with such nonsense.  Plus I sometimes fire up Pandora at my desk, though I try to keep it quiet, lest the natives get restless.

Well I should go, I still have tuna casserole that needs eaten.  I have digested the breakfast (it has been 16 hours after all) and some bed time nourishment sounds like a good thing.


  1. Ok, I'm commenting after the first paragraph online because as I was on the way back from my parents house I was thinking about going to work tomorrow and all the things I needed to get done and so on and so forth...then I was Saturday, not Sunday. Crap. I usually only see them on Sundays. Sigh. Yea, I too am rooting for the weekend to be over. blah Ok back to reading....

  2. It isn't that good, I just threw this one together. Not one of my finer works. But for a weekend it has been kind of blah. Bring on the dancing lesbians already.

  3. Hey maybe you could get one of those laptop backpacks? That would be easier to bike with probably. don't want to use your company computer to check your company e-mail? the hell?

  4. There is only one computer to do a lot of the office work, it is tied into the internet but also to the register system, so any time we are running reports for the previous day or what not that computer gets tied up pretty quickly. I would rather just sit at my desk and have access there than fight for time on another computer. I am greedy that way.

  5. I'm rooting for next Thursday when I will find myself alone for 6 whole days!

  6. that is awesome that you guys meet up every year.. and actually anything above two people is a great result for family is so not liking each other that we meet up only moms side or dads side and even then not all coming..

  7. I have very little to do with my dad's side of the family, I have friended a few on Facebook but haven't spoken to my father in better than a decade and I don't see that changing any time soon. Usually the family reunions on my mom's side are pretty well attended, it helps that save for me most of the grandkids have multiple children of their own at this point, but with all of the family squabbling over my grandmother's estate I wasn't sure how well it would be attended, so getting 90+ there is a good day's work.


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