Sunday, July 10, 2011

Multiply 365 Day 191 - What we learned so far

I had an idea a few days ago.  The process seemed relatively simple, I was coming up on the halfway point of the 365 project (one blog a day, every day, for an entire year) and since the year was halfway done I would take a look back and see just what the first half of the year looked like.  If possible, I might even try to make a list of my 10 favorite entries of the first half of the year.  The idea seemed pretty easy, usually when I stop typing a blog I have a good feel if I actually liked what I wrote or if I just mailed it in as it were.  And there were plenty of those mail it in blogs, and plenty of other times where I just bitched and moaned that I couldn't think of anything to blog about.  Hopefully I will not do that as much during the second half of the year, I don't want it to develop into a crutch of sorts. 

Still, there are times during the first half when I do write stuff that I find clever or funny or insightful.  Maybe that is just my ego talking, but all I can say is that I like what I like.  And sometimes I like me. 

So, with the introduction out of the way, I present my favorite 10 entries of the first half of the 365 project.

Multiply 365 Day 6 - Classic porn gripes

Multiply 365 Day 9 - Beta testers

Multiply 365 Day 10 - It is but it isn't

Multiply 365 Day 13 - Things I didn't want to see

Multiply Day 28 - Doug tribute

Multiply 365 Day 93 - TITIT #9 (or to quote The Beatles TITIT #9, #9, #9, #9, #9....)

Multiply 365 Day 97 - I am your retailer God

Multiply 365 Day 113 - The best of times, the worst of times....The Zombie Jesus Day edition

Multiply 365 Day 187 - Black and White

Multiply 365 Day ??? (the lost entry) - Dear Abby (because of all of the helpful advice I got, this is more for the comments than anything I wrote)

Anyone looking to track back, be warned, I haven't edited out any typos that may be back there, all of the entries appear in their original form.  And this simple little entry that I thought I could bang out in 5 minutes actually took the better part of a week.  So much for that plan.  Next time I will just stick with simple blogging, it is much easier.



  1. You and I have been blog-connected for quite a long time. I know I've read your stuff sporadically as I suspect you've read mine. Afterall, there's only so much woe-is-me-i-hate-boys-i-love-boys stuff a person can take, right?

    Anyway, once I realized you were doing a blog a day I started reading, even eagerly looking forward to your blogs. Hell, I actually look forward to seeing the little update in my inbox with blog attachment. Woohoo! So, just wanted to say your work is appreciated. Don't belittle it. No, you're not saving the world, but its a high spot in my day.

    Carry on...

  2. It has been a couple of days, hasn't it? I tend to read most of the stuff that pops up on my feed, my rule for commenting is that I have to have something to say, I will not just fill space in a comment section but most everything that comes through my feed I try to take a gander at. That is something I couldn't do on Facebook for sure, just too many people and not enough hours in the day.

    And thank you for the kind words about the page. I tend to set high standards for myself (except when it comes to the actual typing) so there are days when I finish and I am not overly thrilled with what I wrote. I assume it is the same feeling James Patterson has, until he goes to the mailbox to get his check from the suckers that bought his latest tripe. Lucky for everyone here, this stuff is free. But I admit there are times when I am writing or what not and I think to myself that a reference or a line is pretty damn funny, insightful, etc. I just wish I could be that creative all the time. probably why even the best of writers take a day or two off between projects. I just don't have that luxury for another half year or so (this may go longer depending on how I feel after 365 of them).

  3. Okay some of these I have to go back and read. Especially classic porn gripes. I have quite a few of my own and curiosity is killing me on that one. More I think because porn preferences are much different between men and woman and most porn is directed toward men. In itself I guess that is okay, except if a guy wants to watch porn with his partner she is more then likely to either think the dialogue is too stupid to have ever gotten the guy laid or the plastic surgery scars on the actresses are very distracting.

  4. Well it wasn't that type of classic porn gripe, though I do have a story along those lines as well. I think I used it in the blog way back when, I will have to see if I can find it, if not I will go the retelling route, because it is a funny story, at least in my eyes.

  5. Hmm I see. Now I am really curious but I need to get to bed because I have to go into work early and leave to get things ready for the family when they get back from the funeral. Tomorrow will be one of those fast paced, dead run days.


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