Monday, September 21, 2015

B365V2.119 - I always feel like somebody is watching me

So I am checking my IP tracker the other day, which I do just to see whereabouts visitors are coming from, and I see I have a hit from Hawaii...At first my heart skips a beat, I start thinking impossible things or nearly impossible things. My mind dashed back to Buffalo, NY in 1987 when I met Diane Lee, who as soon as I saw her I developed a crush on her. Not that that means anything, hell I don't even know if she liked me, though I would guess probably not. Besides we literally did live an entire country apart. I stayed in touch with her, this is back in the day before internet kids, technically I am sure it was available, but it was way in its infancy, not yet ready for public consumption, so our keeping in touch consisted of letters (remember those?) and phone calls, which made my mom ever so happy to see calls to Hawaii on the phone bill. And we all know how much I talk, so once I start you can imagine how long they would go on before they ended.

My hopes were quickly dashed when I saw the IP provider, NNIC, or Navy Network Information Center for those not in the know, I will save you a Google trip. Now the conspiracy side of me kicks in, much like I attributed my last PAT bus crash on competitors in my fantasy football league, there had to be an extraordinary reason for this. It could be because of my 9/11 post a few days back, when I said I didn't feel safer now than I did 14 years ago. I also in that post suggested why I shouldn't be trusted with a firearm, the compulsion to shoot stupid people would be too great. Perhaps words such as those triggered an alarm bell someplace and now I am residing on a No Fly list, which would be surprising because I have never been on a plane to begin with, My life has been a No Fly list to this point.

Or perhaps the Crazy Canadian has duped some poor military dude with her package of lies. It's possible, I know I wasn't the only guy she lied to, there were at least two others and probably more, I think she was addicted to the attention to be honest. If that was the case I pity him. Good luck with that bundle of nonsense.

The only other explanation is that someone I do not know stumbled across this page and found something they liked, but really, what is there to like about this page? That would be the least likely of all possibilities. Far better to go the crazy conspiracy route, after all, look how well it works for Alex Jones.


  1. LOLOL.... I've had hits from Russia... Venezula.... and Turkey... is that something I should worry about?
    You're too funny at times.

  2. Well Google analytics being what they are, I am not sure I can trust their info but it does give me a chance to answer the quiz question I posted a while back as far as the top te countries to visit my blog (according to Google); 1) USA, 2) Canada, 3) Russia, 4) France, 5) Australia, 6) Germany, 7) Ukraine, 8) Poland 9) United Kindom and 10) Portugal. It reads more like my crappy draw at the beginning of a game of RISK. That being said the little TIP thing over on the right ( gives you IP addresses and providers for those that visit, as well as what their screen resolution, browser and operating system is, and that was where I got my info about the Navy from. While it has its faults, namely all of the hits off of Facebook and Google are generated by the parent comapny and not somebody linking through them, TIP has been pretty accurate for me in regards to where genuine hits come from.


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