Sunday, May 22, 2011

Multiply 365 Day 141 - Change we can and can't believe in

The title can only mean a few things, a couple of which are correct.  Those familiar with the page know exactly what they are, so rather than spend an inordinate amount of time explaining myself I will just go about the good and the bad.

The change meter total is getting updated again.  By another $2.09 to be precise.  I still haven't reached the magical $300 mark yet, but I am creeping ever so much closer.  With the additional monies the new total is $295.47.  I would like to think I will crack $300 by the end of the year, but I have experience with this thing, the first three years I did this I only managed to average around $13 a year, so I make no assumption that I can get the required $4.53 needed by the end of December, though it would seem to be almost a given I am taking nothing for granted. 

And that my friends is the good change, as for the bad, well that would be Barack Obama himself.  I don't know, I just don't get it.  I mean, in general I like the guy, but his statements regarding Israel recently leave me completely dumbfounded.  Don't get me wrong, when it comes to Israel and the Palestinians I am all for a two state solution, and I believe for that to eventually happen there will most certainly have to be concessions on the part of Israel to some degree, but the claim that Israel should begin the process by returning to their 1967 borders is just ludicrous.  We may get to the point where some of that land is used in a final two state solution (provided the process ever gets that far) but the idea that Israel should make that concession before the process even begins is flat out stupid.  Suppose for a minute that Israel were to do exactly what the President suggests, then who takes over the conceded land?  Most likely it would be the very same people that were planning to use it to attack Israel in 67.  I know, you were thinking that the Palestinians would get it, but let's be honest here, there isn't a nation in the Middle East that gives a rat's ass about the ultimate fate of the Palestinians, they use the plight of the Palestinians for their own propoganda purposes.  After all, roughly half of the population of Jordan is Palestinian, yet they are not being brought to the table in order to carve up their country as part of a two state solution.  Syria and Lebanon are home to another 1.5 million Palestinians, and again no one is asking either state to give up land in this process.  We need only look at the events of Black September in Jordan, or the expulsion of the Palestinians from Kuwait after the Iraq-Kuwait War to see how much the Palestinian people are welcomed by other states within the Middle East.  So should land become available, there is no guarantee that those nations would recognize the Palestinians right to it, regardless of what the original intention was.

Like I said, if the process is to succeed most likely Israel will have to concede some land, but the idea that they should do so before the process even begins is just lunacy.  It goes to show how weak the Republican candidates for President in 2012 really are that Obama can suggest such a thing without being taken to task for it.  If the Palestinians are to get land, it will be earned at the bargaining table, not bequeathed via some executive fiat from thousands of miles away.

1 comment:

  1. Neutrality would suggest level heads. This is nothing more than a holy war under the guise of political agenda. It's a tale as old as time, and frankly, I'm shocked by the participation of the present administration. I thought they were far more secularist driven.


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