Friday, May 20, 2011

Multiply 365 Day 139 - Quiet time

I guess I am at a loss for words. There is literally nothing to talk about, at least nothing blog worthy. Or my blog worthy. I am sure there are things happening out there somewhere that people are commenting on, but not here. Here is is just an evening of quiet seclusion, save for Garbage playing on my Pandora station as I type. The TV isn't on, heck I barely have any lights on. Just a lamp on the desk next to my bed. And I kind of like it like this. No noise, no one asking me to do anything, just a chance to catch my breath before the next wave of stuff comes rolling in. I am sure it makes for really bad reading, but it is okay with me.


  1. I feel the same way. I'm about to get serious but for now I'm ok with not being on "the map". Everyone needs some space in order to get in touch with yourself or whatever keeps you going.

  2. I just don't want to get into too much of a rut, I can only talk about my day so many times before even I am bored with reliving it. Politics are okay once in a while, but I just voted on Tuesday and once again the turnout was so bad (somewhere in the low 20s percent wise here) that I wonder if anyone even cares at this point. And even sports have been a downer recently. While i still watch hockey, with the Pens not playing it is hard to get all bloggy about it. Maybe the rapture will bring about something blog worthy, but I am not putting all my eggs in that basket.


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