Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Multiply 365 Day 60 - Say hello to my mojo

I am going to need some outside opinions on something later in this entry, but for now let's begin with the simple fact that the mojo is back. How long it is back I have no idea, but I am basking in the warm glow of mojoness. It all started bright and early this morning, when the alarm went off at 5am and I actually didn't smack the snooze a million times and struggle to get up. Most days that would be enough to say it has been a good day. But I did have to work, it was a weekday after all, so I actually got up and did the whole get dressed thing and shuffled off out the door. On the way to the bus stop I ran into three Coke caps, a nice little bonus to start the day. Mind you I am nowhere close to the Coke caps I was pulling in for a while last year, but I don't really have a specific goal with them either, so just collecting for collecting sake is perfectly fine for now.

I get to work, and again I had to shovel out the money for the bus because of this weekend and my laziness thereafter. Usually I will buy my bus pass on Saturday, but like I said in a previous blog I didn't get that chance this past Saturday because I pulled a nine hour shift at work. I tend to buy weekly bus passes, good from Sunday through Saturday and they run $22.60, or the equivalent of paying for ten bus trips with cash. Given I work 6 days, that works out to 12 trips plus any other trips I may make during the week for things like groceries and what not. So my new plan was if I bought the bus pass Monday after work I would still get at least 11 trips out of it, so it would still be a deal of some sort. Then late in my shift Monday I am pulled to do the bank run, 15 deposits need to be made and I am handed them at 2:30pm, a half hour before I am scheduled to be off. My plan becomes one where I will stop by the Port Authority offices to get my pass after my time at the bank, if I am not there too long. But my time at the bank is too long, I don't get out of there until almost 3:30, I have officially missed my first bus home and and am in danger of missing the second. So I take a quit scoot by the offices in hopes I can run in and get a pass and run back out but the line there is literally going out the door. Between people looking to by weekly and monthly passes with Tuesday being March 1st, there was just too many people there for me to expect to get in and out so I just headed back to work with the deposit slips and to pick up my things and go home.

So as I said before I had to climb into my wallet for cash to get to work, I still planned on buying a bus pass but now I was going to have to make sure I made an extra trip or two this week, just to make sure the pass was worth the money I spent on it. I get into work and because the weather was so crappy (i.e. rainy) the previous nite, not that many people came in overnight and Sammy had a pretty good handle on things in our store, so I figured early on that I would head over to our other store and get that order out of the way and on the way back get my bus pass. It all went swimmingly, banged out the order in a decent amount of time, ran by the Port Authority office and there was no line so I got my pass without waiting. I get back to the store and actually find a couple of pennies for the change meter in the process. When I get there I find out that Sammy had found $10 in the store, thus crushing any money I might find during the day early on.

But it was one of those days where timing was just there. Things were just falling right into place, one after the other. By the time I had gotten back Rick had his order for the deli ready to go, which I took care of. Then I banged out the cigarette order and just as I was getting ready to start my order for the floor our Arizona rep shows up, so I walk through his order with him. It literally was perfect timing on his part, I wasn't in the middle of anything, but had he showed up maybe 10 minutes later it would have happened with me in the middle of something else. Instead I got to get that done, did the order for the floor and with everything running as well as it was, I got to go ahead and place an order for Jones soda and put together the shipment calendar for April. And all of this was by 1pm. In fact I stepped outside for a cigarette, where the sun had replaced the previous day's rain and it was kind of nice, mid 40s which is perfectly acceptable this time of year. While out there I am talking to Sammy, who followed me out, and I look in the top of the garbage can that is on the sidewalk outside of the store. I sometimes look in them to see if there is a Coke bottle with a cap laying on top, if there is I will take it though I will not go pawing through tons of rubbish for a single cap. But I saw something better, and this is where I need some advice and or opinions.

When I started the change meter the premise was a simple one, if I find money it gets added to a running tally. It couldn't be money that was given to me, but had to be money that I found. But I am struck with a dilemma, what if you find something and can place a specific value on it? Not I found something and then sold it and this is what someone gave me for it, but a tangible good with an existing market value and one which you will use? Does it count against the change meter or not? Say for instance I were to find a $50 gift card for a store, a store that I go to. I will use the $50, so in essence I have now found $50 of actual value, even if it isn't in real cash. The reason I ask is that when I looked into the top of the garbage can, hoping to find another Coke cap, instead I found an empty pack of cigarettes, but in the back of the pack of cigarettes was a monthly bus pass. It is an item that I will most definitely use, and being that this in March 1st, I will get considerable use out of it, it is not like it is the last day of the month and someone discarded it because it was of no value anymore. So instead I have a pass that would cost $90 if I bought it, but does the $90 count toward the change meter is the question? I am not sure yet, though I am willing to listen to others opinions on the issue.

But finding the bus pas just meant that the day went from good to awesome. Since I was feeling incredibly lucky at this point I went and splurged on two $10 lottery tickets, and of course they both won for $20, and I was pulled into bank run duty again today, where I found another Coke cap. As if the fun at work wasn't enough, when I came home I checked my email and learned that for the second straight week I won in the Marlboro Snus challenge. Last week I won a pair of ear buds, this week it was a duffel bag. The whole day was just awesome on top of awesome. I am almost afraid to go to sleep, because I don't want this day to end. But alas I do have work in the morning, so sleep would seem to be a good idea at some point.

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