Thursday, March 31, 2011

Multiply 365 Day 89 - Best year ever?

     Today is the day that I get to make it official.  Those of you that have been following my daily updates know that about a month ago I posed a question to the blog, hoping to get suggestions but when none came I opted to make a decision for myself.  The question revolved around the long running blog feature knows as the change meter and whether or not I could add something to the total which had a definite financial measurement, but wasn't actual cash.  The object in question was a monthly Port Authority bus pass, which I found on the first of March.  The pass allowed me as many rides as I would like (within Zone 1) without paying any additional money for the entire month.  Because I found the pass on the very first day of the month, I literally had all month with which to use it.  And a pass of that sort has a specific value, that being $90.  So I had an item and a value, and because I do not drive, it had a real world application for me.  Since I got no input whether to add the $90 to the total or not, I made a unilateral decision, if I could keep the pass the entire month without losing it then it would get added to the total, I got someone else's $90 worth of use out of it.  But if I were to lose the pass, then all the value of the pass would be stricken from the record, in order to claim it I had to keep it for 31 days.

Well today is that moment of truth, and given it is 10pm at night chances are I am not going to be running out to catch a bus before midnight, so I have gotten my 31 days of use.  That means we have a new change meter total, $90 plus and additional $4.95 in money I found for an obvious total of $94.95 gets added to the kitty and when we look at the tote board for our running count that number was $196.39 bringing our grand total to $291.34.  So I now have 9 months to find less than $9 to crack the $300 mark, after struggling for months just to get over $200. 

I like when blog entries are this easy.


  1. I must have missed that entry, it's as good as finding cash I'd count it

  2. No hungover, but thoughts at least ones worthy of typing, have been few and far between recently.

  3. I think what made up my mind for me was a couple of things; one was when I found it, had I found it with a week left I might not have counted it, but finding on the first of the month and using it the entire time made it a worthwhile find and also if I wouldn't have found it I probably would have ended up buying bus passes (I usually buy weekly ones as opposed to monthly) so it did have a value to me. Then it was just a simple matter of finding out how much one such pass costs and adding it to the running total.


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