Thursday, April 28, 2011

Multiply 365 Day 117 - Free dum dum dum dum

The old folks home around here just continues to roll on. When last we checked with that little old thing called the change meter I had made note of the fact that if I could pull a dollar a month (which I can usually do, even in the lean years oif the change meter I could do that) the total would break the $300 mark. Well the good news is that we are definitely keeping pace, the bad news is that it wasn't quite enough to get over the triple century mark. Instead we add another $2.04 to the meter and the new total now stands at $293.38. Throw in a free T shirt from mycokerewards and a $5 gift card from Amazin this week and it has been a cool week. And the pending dumpter diving has me geeked for more goodies next week.


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