Friday, January 7, 2011

Multiply 365 Day 7 - Blunken drog

I would like to say that there is something witty I could add to the page today, but I made the mistake, a good mistake I might add, of having an employee night out after work, and some 3 Long Island Iced Teas, three beers and a shot later, anything I add here beyond this will come out as complete gibberish.  So I will save you all the gibberishness and call it a night, after all, I have to be at work at 6:30am, that is punishment enough for all of us.


  1. happy holidays and good cheer from clair and the crew at pitcairn. hears to gettin "spirit"tual"

  2. Long time no see boss, hope all is well there. Last night was probably one too many "spirit"s and too few "ual"s.


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