Thursday, January 20, 2011

Multiply 365 Day 20 - Going all kind of Jack Handy

On my way to work this morning I was thinking about the blog. Not what I should put into it next, but the whole thing I have started and whether or not it is a good idea. I'll admit it is really early in the year to be second guessing myself, but it does occupy time while on the bus.

So I am thinking that to a certain extent I like what I am doing, I am not in love with it by any stretch of the imagination, but there are very few things that I am in love with. And there certainly are days where I feel more like I am mailing it in than actually writing anything of substance. I guess that is part of the challenge when one grinds out an entry a day. Sure there are others that do it, and hats off to them, but for me I just can't conjure up that creativity at the drop of a hat, so I end up blogging more like a baseball player in a hitting slump, just hoping something drops in on the page that breaks up a hitless streak.

Sure it would be nice if creative genius and opportunity were to coincide, but usually any really good ideas I have to blog about happen when I am not near a computer, likewise when I have time to sit down I am most likely at the back end of a long day where my mind has punched out a couple of hours ago, even if the body is still working..

Like today for instance, I am sure I had seen or heard things that would have made a great launching point for a blog entry, but truck three deliveries, two placed orders, bunches of paperwork and filling in for a call off on register later and my goals went from being clever to making sure I got my phone bill paid and food in my belly. Still if I am ever going to get any better at this I guess I have to just keep doing it. Not that I am sure what would be considered a success. After all if 365 days later I still suck, then that isn't good, nor is it good if I am just counting down the days till this project runs its course or until I tire of it completely and just go back to my former status quo. Maybe the best thing I can think of happening is that after 365 straight days of this would be that I just continue on with day 366, not because I have to but because I want to. For now though, I think I am still in the have to phase.

1 comment:

  1. Usually I don't get too stuck, I have a couple of different ideas for which direction I would like to go with my next entry, now it is just a matter of cursor to keyboard. And there are a few different sites I like to check out from time to time if my mind is stuck, Fark, Deadspin, and Mondesis House come to mind right away, and I can always head over to That's Church if I want something more local (though Mondesis House is pretty local for me as well.).


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