Saturday, January 29, 2011

Multiply 365 Day 29 - The nonexistent book tour

Well, yesterday I said the blog will move on, and move on it shall. Truth be told I ended up receiving an unexpected benefit from yesterday's blog, something that I had not planned on but had happened nonetheless.

There was obviously some anger in what I posted yesterday, especially towards the very end of the post. And it had been building for a couple of days, literally just simmering under the surface. It was coming out at all of the most inopportune times, people who had no need to feel my wrath were subject to it anyway. My patience for anything but the most menial of this was pretty much nonexistent.

Then I wrote and a funny thing happened, it was like a burden had been lifted from my shoulders, and things started to gain their proper perspective. That doesn't take away the sadness, or the absolute disdain I feel for those that rightly deserve it, but there are fewer victims of friendly fire now, which is a good thing.

I did another DeLuca's breakfast this morning, Sammy and I went for the first time since my first week after vacation. I didn't get too crazy with the choice today, just the simple egg routine, though I did opt for the ground beef patties for the breakfast meat. Not too bad, I could see getting that every now and again. It isn't as good as having chorizo with breakfast, but it could be a nice change of pace once in a while.

Other than that the day remained pretty much uneventful. I went into work, did my order and came home. Que sera, sera and all that jazz. I did send a copy the link to my last blog entry off to Lynn just to get her opinion of it. I wanted a little outside perspective from someone that normally doesn't read the page. She seem to think I should write a book. I seem to think most of my blog entries feel like books and that is more than enough. For that brief moment of having that idea in my head (which I quickly dismissed as not being nearly interesting enough to write a book) I remembered something Christopher Hitchens once said in an interview. I believe it was on Charlie Rose, but I could be mistaken. He was asked why he never wrote fiction, and what he said struck me. Not because of some study to back up his claim (I wouldn't know if any such study existed) but because he is a far more well versed literary guy than myself. He said most of the great writers of fiction he knew were also musically inclined, almost like the creative processes were similar in being able to make music and create stories out of literally nothing, and he believed that because he had no musical skill set, he was more apt to write non fiction than fiction. I can't say that what he suggested is a universal rule, but it has stuck with me as being at least interesting, and anyone who has ever heard me sing would know that anything I would write would most definitely be listed in the non fiction category. Of all of the things I have written for this blog in the years I have been doing it, which is at least 7 years now, not once have I dabbled n fiction or even had the slightest interest in doing so.

Speaking of Hitchens, I did catch his interview on C SPAN this past weekend, one of if not the first such interview he has granted since being diagnosed with cancer. Some of it was noteworthy in that, since his diagnosis, he talked about many people writing him or asking him if his position on God and the afterlife had changed now that he was diagnosed with what may turn out to be a terminal disease. Trust me when I say that if you thought his opinion had changed, you really need to read more Hitchens. In fact at one point in the interview he was asked if, given his current diagnosis, if he had a chance to go back and change the way he did some things, most notably his smoking and drinking, of which he was an avid consumer of both vices. And true to form he said no, sure he might have stopped smoking a little sooner, but in the grand scheme of things those vices helped make him what he was (and that alcohol tended to make some people far more interesting than they would otherwise be) and that it had actually helped with the whole creative process. Maybe that is what I need to do then, start blogging drunk and see if the page takes off. I have already got the smoking thing going on, there is a pack on my desk right beside my keyboard as I type, but I am not getting that creative RJ Reynolds buzz.

Since I do not have that buzz I think I will cut this short, or at least shorter than most. Good night everyone. Be back manana.

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