Saturday, September 1, 2012

"Set"ting up the future

     Back in the olden days, or at least my pre-Blogger days, I would do “Reset” blogs every so often.  All a “reset” blog was a chance to tell you a little about myself, what you can come to expect from the page and some rules of the road as it were, things that will and will not be tolerated around these parts.  Since however this is my first foray into doing such a thing on Blogger, I think we will just call this my “Set” blog and be done with it.

     For those that have followed me from platforms elsewhere, much of what I will write is probably things you have already read before, though there might be surprise or two that I sneak in to this entry as well. 
     A little bit of background, my name is Matt Pritt, resident of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.  A city that has been voted “America’s Most Livable City” twice, but also can boast about the fact that some of its public services (I am looking at you, Port Authority) are so inept, one would wonder if trained monkeys could do better.   If you are a Democrat, Pittsburgh is Nirvana because a Republican has as much chance of getting elected here as I have of growing another 5 inches on my cock and becoming a stud in the adult film industry. 
    As for me, well I am a 43 year old male, 12 of those years were spent in the radio industry producing local talk shows (and running the board for national shows as well) before becoming one of those “budget cuts” over three years ago, when I switched careers and am now the self-titled purchasing manager for Weiss Enterprises, which runs three newsstand / convenience store locations in Pittsburgh.  I say self-titled because no one ever really gave me that job, I just basically took it and it is as close a description to what I do as can be put in just a few words.  If I listed what all I actually did, well, that would be a blog entry all unto itself, and we have far bigger fish to fry in this “set” blog.
     I am in a relationship, at least I would call it one, and have been for almost a year now, though because it is of the online variety I could ask ten of my friends what it is and get ten different answers.  At the end of the day the only opinions that matter on that subject as far as what it is and isn’t would be the two people involved.
    Now that I have told you a little about myself, I do have a confession to make.  While I have been blogging for the better part of a decade now, the last year or so has seen me start to shy away from it a bit.  Not that my previous blogs had large audiences, but just the same I started censoring myself before I would write anything, lest I piss off some of the readers.  So I would argue the quality and content of my blogs started to suffer, with me questioning just what I should write and if I did how should I write it so as to offer the path of least resistance to any negative feedback I may get.  But by doing that I ended up violating one of the cardinal rules I had set for myself many moons ago, that being, if I haven’t pissed you off at least once, I haven’t done my job.  At the end of the day, writing is therapeutic for me, no matter how good or bad I may be at it, and no matter who I may or may not offend in the process.   So things may appear on this page from time to time and you will say to yourself “What the fuck?” to which I would say if it is that big an issue for you go read someone else’s page.

     That’s not to say I want people to agree with me all of the time, far from it actually.  I would much rather people hold my feet to the fire as it were, and make me accountable for the words that I put on the page, or screen as it were.  Some of my best friends are people that have far different ideas, values, and beliefs than my own and an open discussion on those topics is always fair game here.   The rule to that is fairly simple; we can always disagree without being disagreeable.  As to what constitutes disagreeable, I refer back to the judicial ruling on pornography, I don’t know what disagreeable is, but I know when I see it.
     I believe I mentioned this is an earlier entry, but the longer you are here you will find that the blog will get littered with features or themes, just stuff that I like to do from time to time.  There is no guarantee just how long a feature or theme will be in the blog, two of them, the change meter and Karaoke Fridays, have been around for years.  Others I will tinker with from time to time, just trying them on like a new pair of shoes to see how they fit.  If I like them then I continue with them, if not then they fall by the wayside.
     For now anyway I am leaving comments open to the public, even anonymously so.  That is partly due to the settings of Blogger and also due to the fact that the last two sites I was on, while everyone could read my material, only members could actually comment on it.  With the advent of Facebook, and the ability to cross post on different platforms, I don’t want someone to feel they have to sign up just to get their two cents in.  This is not a hard and fast rule, if I find that level of accessibility leads to more problems than it is worth, then I will go back and revisit it, but currently will be the rules I play by.  As Jerry Bowyer used to say when I worked with him in radio, there are far more brains outside the room than inside it, and I want to avail myself of that resource as much as is possible for the time being. 
     This blog will not focus on any one thing; there are times when I will talk about sports or politics, or things going on locally, nationally or even internationally.  And there will be times where I just bitch about my job, simply because I can.  What you will get is just unfiltered me, how I think, feel and act, things I like, things I don’t like, things that I enjoy and things that piss me off.  But rest assured, you will definitely be getting me.
     With that all out of the way, what say you we get to blogging again?  It has been far too long.


  1. Was lovely to meet you Matt and I must say I love your style of writing...we can't please everyone in what we write and as long as you are fine by it...then all is good. Wishing you the best in your new "Home"...


  2. Thanks for the kinds words and best of luck in finding a home and page that best suits your needs as well. Good luck in getting everything you want off of your page, I am at that point where I am probably more interested in getting this page off of the ground than I am in saving things from the wrecking ball on the old page. There are still some things I want from there, but not as much as I would have originally thought. Anyway, thanks for the visit and best of luck in getting yourself squared away elsewhere.


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