Friday, November 4, 2011

Multiply 365 Day 301 - He lives, I swear

Coming to you live from, well my apartment where I do most of my blogging, it's me. Somebody quick turn on the applause light. Cue the sheeple and all that jazz.

I sit here with my belly full of grilled chicken taco (I cooked, everybody panic) troubled by something I saw the other day, or rather, didn't see. It would seem Jesus on a Stick Guy is gone. Just gone. Or else the Jesus on a Stick Guy Local 43 has a pretty good contract regarding sick days and the like. Because it is now two straight weeks where there have been no Stick Guy sightings. If this keeps up, those of us remembering him will be treated as lunatics, like those people that actually saw Bigfoot or were abducted by aliens. I can take you to the location where I saw him, but no evidence remains, not even a plaster cast of a footprint he left behind.

Blog readers will start to shun me, I will go from the person that on occasion could turn a funny phrase or two to that guy that mumbles in the corner to himself, occasionally piping up just long enough to say, “Some day you will see!!!” and then set out to devise a not so clever trap to capture me a living Jesus on a Stick Guy to prove I was right. Thoughts of devising a plan similar to the one Peter Griffith used to capture James Woods come to mind. Taking a crucifix and busting it up, then leaving a trail on the sidewalk to an upturned box, in hopes that the Stick Guy sees the trail and bends down to start picking up the parts. '”Piece of Jesus, mmm, Piece of Jesus, mmm, Piece of Jesus, mmm” Then I can show the world just how wrong they were in denouncing the existence of Jesus on a Stick Guy.


  1. Wow. Strange but I hope he's ok. Maybe the same thing happened to him as to the homeless in Baltimore during the Grand Prix. They rounded them up and hid them somewhere. They were missing for a couple weeks and eventually came back. Maybe they rounded him up with homeless people while the movie was filming to give Pittsburgh a better image - you know the non crazy guy image.

  2. maybe he has another hang out spot for the cooler weather...see I was a little perturbed when ugly naked guy stopped making his early morning balcony appearance, but it turns out he just took a break for winter.

  3. are you talking about .oh no..hope he is would make sense he is somewhere where it might be warmer..

  4. More than likely he just took a day or two off, but Jesus on a Stick guy is my Thursday morning entertainment. It is like not seeing your favorite TV show all summer long, what will I do for entertainment now? I am not sure I can wait 6 months to see how this turns out.

  5. Isn't it curious the people you see routinely and wonder about? There've been people whom I encountered on my commute or whatever and then I stop seeing them, and I wonder about the job? sick? death? moved? what??? I hate not being able to find out!!!

    Hopefully JOASG will be back soon so you can resume your regularly scheduled Thursday Mornings entertainment


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