Thursday, December 4, 2008

Care to play a game?

I have been tinkering with this one, not doing too bad so far, I beat all of the original scenarios and have built an all white card deck where I have beaten all but two of the challenges to this point, but by all means, give it a go and tell me I am a fool for posting this.



Play Games at AddictingGames


  1. Ok I did the tutorial and I don't get it..Matt you are a fool for posting this lol

  2. It took me a couple of runs through to get the hang of it but once I did I thought it was an okay card game, along the lines of say, Magic The Gathering, the cool difference being that you don't have to trudge around a bunch of cards to play this. It is one of those cool garbage things about the internet, it has made playing games like this, Monopoly and Risk far easier and more enjoyable by limiting the number of pieces actually needed to play them.

  3. And I did knock off the last two challenges last night with an all white card deck froom the deck builder.

  4. nah not for me, I like easy games lol

  5. Oh you have to do all the missions before you can do Challenges and use the Deck Builder?

  6. Yeah, once you complete all of the missions, the deck builder gets unlocked with the challenges. Some of the challenges unlock additional cards that can be added to decks as well, but I didn't need any of the specioal cards to defeat any of the challenges. I just created a deck with 60 white cards and was fine.


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