Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Asshat - Evolution Happens

Sadly we can't name this week's Asshat, his name hasn't been released, but we can tell the quick story.  Man goes hunting without a license or a permit needed for the ammunition.  Man shoots goose and in the process of fetching said goose, trip, falls and shoots his own arm, which leads to a trip to the hospital and getting charged for breaking the law.   Added bonus, he hails from the town of Darwin.  Wholesome goodness, that would be here


  1. well I'd have to say his goose is cooked!

    the penalty for possession of an unlicensed gun can be quite harsh, depending on the circumstances. The fine can be up to $75k or up to 15 years in jail. considering he wasn't using the weapon to commit a crime may earn him some brownie points.

  2. I would say that there was a goose hunting a goose lmao


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