Monday, June 9, 2008

The fastest Asshat in the West

Amy Winehouse.....check please!


  1. As if I couldnt think any less of her I think this just did it over.

  2. I cant watch this stuff at work, but i did hear about it. The woman needs help, its pretty obvious.

    My question is, since all these reporters seem to be finding her all the time, and shes so messed up she cant even walk straight, where are the cops, and why doesn't she get arrested? Do they not have laws against crack and heroin in the UK?

  3. i just found this quote from Mitch, her daddy..........

    He said, "As for the drugs, she will get bored with them because the desire for children will take over. Amy knows that if she and Blake are going to have kids then she has to be in perfect health. I honestly think that in two years she will be fit, healthy and having babies - motherhood will be her drug."

    Wow, that guy is just as delusional as she is, apparently. It's a DISEASE, dude, not a "phase"

  4. I am so over her. Her wretched behavior way overshadows her music

  5. I never liked her music to be honest, I can't grasp the atttention some of the mediocre talents warrant. So she is all whacked out on crack, I go to the right sections of town, I can see that on a daily basis.

  6. Well if Amy knew anything 2 years maybe not be enough time to even be close to healthy to have a child. And I honestly think that is a poor excuse to day it's ok to do drugs now but when come time to think of having a baby time to quit, well the damage has been done to the body. I wish they would just stop talkin about her n making excuses.


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