Friday, June 6, 2008

Faith in your fellow man

Yes, the video is disturbing, but as disturbing as the actual hit and run is, watch how many people walk and/or drive by and do nothing. 




  1. Last I heard, they still hadn't caught the actual hit and run driver. I heard that they received roughly 4 911 calls regarding the accident, but it amazes me that absoluterly no one would go out in the street to offer any assistance whatsoever, even if it was to comfort the man while they waited for real help to arrive. Sometimes my species amazes even me.

  2. i dont want to contradict you ( wait yes i do )...i only saw one person actualy walk away from this accident....i saw two females in shock over what occured and the rest could have been confused . the one ass clown that crossed the street and did nothing is the one that i would say was neglagent.

  3. Like I said, there were reports of 911 calls, but no one went out in the street to actually help the guy. And how many people just drove by while the man was in the street? I count at least 6 cars that just drove by him, plus one that otped to turn around rather than offer assistance. Add that to the number of people who didn't even bother to get off of the sidewalk, and it is a pretty telling tale of just how sad some people are.

  4. wait let me watch it for the third time

  5. Compare their reaction to ours after the night at the nudie bar. Despite being under the influence so to speak, you still went to help and I still went to the pay phone to call 911, but neither of us just left someone lay around and did nothing.

  6. And we at least had bullets to potentially worry about.

  7. i counted five cars pulling away and one pulling over ....the cycle doing the u turn could have been a cop ....explaining the traffic something like this ,you cant predict human behavoir.....good people get as confused as those who dont care.

  8. I can accpet one , two maybe even three people being in such a state that they don't know waht to do, but nearly everybody? Then there is either something very wrong in the water there, or as I told Lynn on numerous occasions, we are now a nation of witnesses, we would rather witness something, maybe to get a picture of it, or be interviewed on TV about it than to actually do something. Funny thing is, the second caller we got today on this video said he wouldn't do anything because he might get sued. It is more important for him to protect his pocketbook than try to save a fellow human being.

    It is reminiscient of the story a little while back round these parts of the girl who murdered her father for molesting her and her younger sibling. Everybody that lived on the street who was interviewed said that there was something wrong there, and they often heard the kids scream, but they did nothing, even while the man raped his own daughter repeatedly for years.

  9. Let me conject this , not one of these people had any skill to offer to this victim...if they had they would have offered it.....had any of these vehicles stopped to help ...they would have just caused a traffic jam that would have made it harder fo this man to get proffesinal help

  10. also notice last vehicle that cut through traffic to get to scene ...did he get out and help ?

  11. The last vehichle was the cop car arriving on the scene, you will notice up the block tha he actually weaves out of his lane to get around some of the traffic before pulling up on the victim and stopping. You can just barely make out the lights on top of the car if you look closely.

    Like I said in my original post, I am not suggesting someone go out there and perform surgery or anything crazy like that, but going out there and at least comforting the victim and letting him know help was on the way would and waiting for a trained professional (paramedic, police, ambulance) would have been better than just standing off to the side of the street watching the guy suffer.

  12. This was on the news here last night, I hope they catch the hit & run driver. The actions of the bystanders was just appalling.

  13. I agree with Matt and Angie its horrid that nobody would respond immediately!

  14. Since there is no sound i cant tell what these people were doing . while no one went out and touched this guy...they did stay in the area , they did not just walk by as if nothing happened. the fact that 4 calls were made and that the police were on the scene in just over 70 seconds shows this guy was not ignored by the public.
    i hope that the two objects that hit the ground were items that he was carrying and not his head.
    It would be just as obvious from the sidewalk as it would be from the street that this guy was beyond the average citizen's ability

    this guy hit his head hard ,twice! he was not awake and not moving , this fact was obvious to the people on the sidewalk.
    having some janitor or cook walk out to see if this guy is alive is not what was called for and would have done nothing for this poor guy.

  15. Actually, from what I have read about the incident, he was indeed conscious, paralyzed, but conscious. The fact people willingly walked and drove by, with no one offering assistance to wait with the man, direct traffic around him, or try to get the plate number, then I would argue a lot more could have been done. Mind you, I am not the only one, as the Hartford police chief is also outraged by the inaction of the bystanders.

    One of the objects you may have saw flying was the milk the man had just bought from the store.

  16. perhaps i am watching a differant video ....but i see a women in such shock over what she just saw that she wants to help but does not know what to do , i see people gathering at the scene trying to take in what just occured, i see one vehicle stop and look at the guy and the move his truck out of the road
    i seea dude on a bike do a u turn ....perhaps wanting to block off traffic on the right lane , isee cars getting out of the way ....and yes i see people move towards the victim.
    just becuse people dont react as fasdt as we would like them to does not mean they are ignoring the situation.
    all people are differant and i would not even expect a single person to react the same in two differant emergancy situations...let alone expect people to react as fast as i thought proper

  17. take into accont that if the police cars siren was blarring ...people may backing off to let the cop handle it

  18. also notice that while this film is 1min 35 sec in length the clock in the video only shows 1min 23 seconds of elapsed time ....making it appear that people are moving slower than they are.

  19. The tape doesn't start till almost a full seven second in, the beginning is just the tip line number should anyone have any information, so the actual footage starts at :07 or so. The police car stops at 1:32, before the contact number is given, so that with the 7 second start time plus the 3 second ending puts the length of the actual video at 1.25, which pretty much coincides with the clock on the video camera. Sorry, I just can't find it in me to defend people who stood on a sidewalk or drove by while this guy laid in the street. That type of behavior is beyond me.

  20. the video starts at 49:16 and end at 50: 40...clearly enought time differance to effect perception of motion.
    while the people on the sidewalk were not capable of doing the right thing....we cant say that they walked by and ignored this scene....i watched this many times and not one person walked out of frame believe that all humanes would do the heroic thing ,is underestamatining the value of a hero.
    and to me....the best thing a car can do when comming upon this scene is....get out of the way for the paramedics....unless you believe that it is better for the driveres to all park and watch this man die....i dont see the complaint about the cars !
    the police were on the scene in 70 seconds....somebody did something....someone did not ingnore this dude.....if my choice was to have someone call 911 or hold my hand....please dont hold my hand while staring at me like a baboon watching its baby die.

  21. oh by the way did i say hi and that it is good to hear from ya ?

  22. What I am saying is that it is real time, 10 seconds of the youtube clip doesn't show anything, besides the tips line number and the reward information, the actual footage goes for 1 minute and 25 seconds, the video clock goes for 1 minute and 24 seconds, practically no difference at all in time between the two clocks.

    I don't think every one is heroic, nor to I think offereing comfort to someone while waiting for help to arrive is a heroic gesture, I just think it is common decency. Presumably the police chief had time to review the report from the officer on the scene, and afterward came out and said it seems we have lost our moral compass, hardly inspiring words for the actions or inactions of the bystanders. No one, whether they be driver or pedestrian bothered to go out in the street and actually check on the guy, they left him there to bleed out and hoped that help would arrive. We have people in our prisons right now that get treated better than the spectators, and if you aren't going to offer any assistance but you are content to watch a man possibly die that is exactly what you are, treated this man.

    I love these back and forth things, because people don't know us so I'd assume that they'd think we don't like each other or something. So to all of you spectators to the blog out there, we do this stuff all the time, don't be offended by what either of us says because I know we aren't offended, well at least I am not.

    Glad to see you have made it back to Multiply, how'd you get the computer away from the kids, or did you just trade them in for a bigger flat panel monitor?

  23. You know me mate. I love a good argument/discussion/debate/dispute. Keep entertaining me lol

  24. i hope hartford did not plan thier parmadic and police force around the false impression that the average citizen is capable of making split second decisions in times of crisis.
    the man was hit 22 sec into the film ,the first one to walk out arrived on scene at 54 sec. in and checked on the dude at 1:02 into the film. I dont know but it looks to me like he is talking to the dude . .....wait let me get my morale compass out and see if 8 sec is fast enough to respond
    perhaps if we could put a stop watchs and cameras at all accident scences and we could document the response time of the average billy joe bob who is going to work ,worrying about his bills whos last thought is " i better stay alert becuse some clown may not know how to cross the street".....then maybe we can start passing morale judgements on entire crowds of people.
    there is no sound....we cant tell if people were talking to him from the sidewalk ,we cant tell if they were telling the vehicles to keep moving....we cant tell if the women was what point during this clip were the bystanders able to hear the siren....dont you feel it would be important to know these things before passing judgement?

  25. The spectators lucked out on that, the police car that arrived was actually responding to a completely different call, had it been left up to them, they would have left him there to die, honorable actions indeed. At least they were polite enough to gather around and watch him suffer, at least those that didn't drive past him after getting their eyeful.

  26. isnt the point of the video that regardless of no sound and not know what the people were doing or thinking or how much time lapses that nobody did ANYTHING to help!

  27. the point iam making is that this could be the normal amount of time that it takes a crowd of people to respond to accidents.
    these types of reactions occur all the time and it has more to to with human physcology than a lack of morales.
    for the hartford police chief to claim that "we have lost our moral compass " is wrong.

    this video is deceptive in that it would lead you to believe that everyone was on the scene from the start....they are not

  28. to judge the amount of morles a person has by their reaction time to a SINGLE horrific accident is wrong. what these people were doing in the video is important ....if you want to accuse them of having no morales.

  29. Should the title ; FAITH IN YOUR FELLOW MAN be commenting on the pyscological inability of man to react in an emergency as a species in whole....then i agree with the point being made. however i disagree with the judgement of the police chief that we have lost our moral compass.
    the training that police ,paramedics and other service people go through gives them the ability to react immediatly to such accidents ...had they not learned this skill ...they would react the same way these people did.

  30. matt ...for some reason you believe that what you and i did that night was was not ....had we saved that kid , i could see the story in the paper...


  31. The paper wouold have been far more interesting then. I think why I defend the chief so much, is not only does he have the video to work with, but he also has at his disposal the report from the officer on the scene. Had this been just a couple of people and they panicked I might be able to excuse it, but far too many people saw this guy lying in the street and did far too little. They really did luck out on the officer arriving, he was responding to another call entirely and just happened upon the scene. It worries me that what if this guy had taken a different route to answer the call, then who knows how long the guy is out there unattended.

  32. strange you should bring up the subect....i have been doing some reading on the net.....studies have shown that the more peopl at a scence ....the more chance of less being done....hence this guy would have been better off with only two people at the scene

  33. I ahve heard of such studies, the notion is that in a crowd everyone will behave the same way, so if one person opts to do nothing, the others will imitate him/her.

  34. right ...and its possible that the women who paniced.....set the stage for the crowds reaction...but the part of the notion i tink your missing is that it could be the exact same people...therefore eliminating the notion of morales

  35. i watched an interesting clip.....showing a subect by herself reacting to smoke coming from under a took 15 sec to respond.

    the subject in a crowd took 5 min to respond to the smoke.....weird


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