Sunday, March 23, 2008

BFT 5.0 - A whore is a whore, of course of course

whore noun 1. a woman who engages in sexual intercourse for money verb 1. work as a prostitute 2. have unlawful sex with a whore 3. compromise oneself for money or other gains; "She whored herself to Hollywood"


Take a good look at the word and definition above. For the time being, we are going to stick primarily withe the noun, rather than verb .

I have mentioned Eliot Spitzer in a previous blog, he of the most recent Asshat award, and this in no way defends him, rather this goes to the object of his dollars, Ashley Alexander Dupre.

Since Spitzer was busted for soliciting prostitutes, we have been subjected to the life story of his his partner in crime, Miss Dupre. We were told how she was a young girl, that when her boyfriend heard her sing in the shower one day, he convinced her that she could be a star. We were subjected ad nauseum to the tunes that she recorded on her myspace page, a page that would record over 5 million hits after her name was divulged in the Spitzer investigation. We were told of her hardships, of her boyfriend leaving her, how she was struggling to make it in New York, talk of a book deal of her experiences, how she posed for Joe Francis's "Girls Gone Wild" videos, but wait, she was underage, so Joe was taking advantage of her. It is enough to make one grab a tissue and dab the tears from their eyes.

Unless you are me.

Sorry, she was a whore, plain and simple. She didn't get to be a $5000 a night call girl because this was her first time servicing a client. Last time I checked that was illegal, not something to be rewarded. Even if it were legal, it would just make her a legal whore, not some starving artist. Face it, plenty of people struggle to pay the bills and put food on the table, they just opt not to do it by lying on their back with their legs behind their ears. What she was doing isn't something to be proud of or emulate, it was a crime, plain and simple. It was a victimless crime to be sure but a crime nonetheless and the notion that we should all stand and applaud her, simply because she happened to be the whore that was sent to service Mr. Spitzer on the night he got busted is ludicrous.

Spare me the books and made for TV movies of the hooker with a heart of gold, Julia Roberts already played that part, and it sucked then just as it sucks now.


  1. very well said. I agree. And I think if i have to sit through one more 20/20 or dateline chronicling the life and times of prostitution and how much money they make or dont make and the risks they take. I might have to puke. I dont understand why people feel its right to glamorize what most people are taught is wrong as a child. But when we grow up and join the real world anything goes so to speak and as you put in your blog its "okay". Its horrible. Anyway great post

  2. totally agree, i am sick of hearing about it,so happy to have remotes lol

  3. Why is a womans or mans choice to sell their body illegal exactly, I dont understand that. If its their free choice to do so, whom are they hurting?

  4. LIke I wrote, it is a victimless crime, but I am sick of everyone holding Dupre up as some icon of virtue when her major claim to fame is fucking for dollars. Stop with the stories of how hard her life was, or exposes on people who are prostitutes, or interviews with pimps on what hookers can and can't do. She is a whore, I get it already.

  5. seems we have been spared the tabloid press garbage you got, they covered the sex scandal here for a couple of days and thats the last we have seen of it.

  6. Just yesterday Good Morning America ran a feature piece on women who have profesional jobs by day and are whores at night. Welcome to the unintended consequence of feminism, it is okay to objectify women, as long as you pay them for it.

  7. jeez you sound so bitter about women getting paid for sex!

  8. You should have you're own book Matt with all the things you so intelligently argue or have an opinion on. I'd certianly buy it. Its interesting how you think.

  9. Personally, I don't care what people do with their body, it matters not one wit to me, I just don't want to glorify them for it. Far be it from bitter, I am just being honest and blunt about it, which is why it falls under the blunt force trauma heading, there are lots of things about feminism that are good, the notion of equal pay for equal work for example, but along the way, the notion of its my body and I will do what I want with it came into the picture, much to the benefit of men, we no longer have to imagine what a woman would look like naked, she is more than willing to take off her clothes and show us now, because she has that right. There was a good editorial in the local paper on Sunday about how girls now get ready for spring break, by making sure they are tan enough, their breasts are large enough, practicing drinking alcohol so they know how much they can drink to get tipsy but not lose control, a literal slew of goodness, that from a guy's prespective is awesome, less work for us. Guys no longer have to cheapen women, they do it to themselves willingly.

  10. I'm curious as to why women are called whores but men are called lucky ?
    Since they all do the same thing. I know kinda off the path but it's buggin me lol

  11. You're mixing apples and oranges. I used the term whore only where it was appropriate by definition, which I included for everyone's benefit, that being a woman that has sex for money of which Miss Dupre qualifies. Had it been Mr. Dupre and we been subjected to the same glorious coverage, then the title would have been "A gigolo is a gigolo, of course of course" though it wouldn't be as funny, given it doesn't sound like the Mr Ed theme.

    I suggest that guys like me, who by and large like women, are lucky in that in this day and age, women are freely taking their clothes off rather than us requesting it of them, let alone paying for it, which makes Eliot Spitzer an even bigger buffoon in that regard. The old argument used to be that men objectified women for their own pleasure, I argue that women now objectify themselves for men's pleasure, so as a guy it is less work for me.

    Let's not forget, I already gave Eliot Spitzer the Asshat award, he didn't skate or fall off of my radar, what irked me was the almost universally positive coverage Dupre got, at least until the Girls Gone Wild stuff that somewhat muted it, when the only thing Dupre did was be a whore, illegally in the state of NY and in Washington DC I might add. I don't get why being a whore should be a good thing or something to emulate.

  12. I think I should protest to have the meaning of the word "whore" changed to include men, because men can whore themselves as well. And since we're on this why do men get the nice sounding "gigalo" word (which in my mind glamorizes it) and a woman is called a nasty sounding "whore" word (which makes her sound dirty)?

  13. It is a nasty sounding word, but I double check all of my definitions with in case of dispute of usage, and they cited 8 different sources (dictionaries) that list whore as an appropriate term in this instance. I could have picked a nicer term, but Miss Dupre has been coddled by enough people for breaking the law, she need not be coddled by me as well.

  14. I looked up the word Gigolo on because jusalong's comment made me curious if it was really more of a glamorous way or glorified way to call a person a whore. and to put it quite simply its not nice to call a male a Gigolo its defined as follows:

    1. a man living off the earnings or gifts of a woman, esp. a younger man supported by an older woman in return for his sexual attentions and companionship.
    2. a male professional dancing partner or escort.

    Its still a whore. In my eyes anyway. doesnt a female who is labeled a whore live off earnings or gifts for sex? I know its not exactly stated the same. But bottom line my opinion is.... Its still a whore just a different way to say it. Just like an egg is an egg wether its fried or scrambled.

  15. I think the only slight difference may be that a gigolo seems to refer the man in a kept status, that is, he only has one sex partner, but it is a long term relationship of sex for cash, as opposed to being pimped out and ending up with a number of people. I would have no problem calling a man a whore if he did what Dupre had done, though I didn't see any definitions of the word that used it in a male context, I think everyone would have gotten the intent regardless but I am not going to using the word whore when referring to Ashley Dupre when it most definitely fits.


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