Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Multiply 365 Day 324 - Invisible ink

Well, barring a flurry of writing on my part, it doesn't look like I will be getting the 365 blog entries I had planned on back in January. It hasn't been for lack of writing, just lack of writing for public consumption. I continue to write on a nightly basis, usually for hours on end and I am sure some of it is quite funny and or entertaining, but it is for an audience of one, not many.

Since I started talking to Jen online over three months ago, I can honestly say that I would be hard pressed to find a day where we did not write to each other. Sometimes it will just be once or twice, other times it will consist of a plethora of messages over different mediums, but the writing has been there. Most nights it can be anywhere from 2 to 8 or more hours in length, and really after putting in a long day of writing I just haven't been inclined to turn around, stare at a computer screen and start writing all over again.

So I guess in the most basic of terms the 365 project is a failure. There wasn't a blog every day, nor was there a total of 365 blogs throughout the year, but from a strictly content perspective, I am quite certain I have never written so much in my entire life, let alone written so much that I am happy with overall. If the 365 project is labeled a failure, but at the end of the day I am with someone that I care deeply about, then I will take that over 365 entries and ending the year as lonely as I started it. It is a trade off I would make any day of the week and twice on Sunday.


  1. there are some things more important than blogging

    for most - blogging should be a hobby

    have a good one

  2. You at least made the attempt and had a good show of it.

  3. I still have a few blog entries that are roughly half written and a couple ideas on top of that. I just doubt my ability to bang out 40 entries in 7 or so days. And honestly I have spent maybe 5 minutes looking at a newspaper in the last week or so, I have basically shut down the brain for the time being.

  4. It was a big project and you took it on. You put a lot of effort into it, so while you didn't get to your goal, you learned some things along the way.

  5. You have written some great stuff this year, much kudos to you.

  6. The thing is some of my better stuff is stuff I can't share.


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