Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Terminal velocity

Wish I could say we are meet here under much better circumstances, but you can only play the cards that you are dealt, and the ones being dealt around here suck for the most part.  This is sort of an update from the "June" blog, for the one or two of you that actually read it congrats, you have an inkling more than the others about what has been transpiring.  Let's just say things have went from bad to better to worse since then.
When last I left off in that particular entry my grandmother was staying in a temporary care facility, nothing too harmful, though by and large she disliked it and would have been much happier going home.  The deal the doctors made with her was a pretty simple one, if she could go a week and continue with her therapy and show improvement then she could indeed go home.  So when I left the hometown sojourn there were only 5 or so days left before she was to be back in her own house, but things have a tendency of not going according to plan, and sure enough they didn't, as she got worse, not better, and ended up once again in the ICU at the hospital.  Now one of the things I mentioned in that particular entry was that I was wondering how she kept doing it, fighting back time and time again from the near edge of death.  Maybe there is some sort of overpowering will involved that unless one is on death's doorstep it is impossible to comprehend, maybe it is just luck or fate and nothing more, but whatever the reason the readmittance to the hospital was once again seen as a bad sign, as it very well should be. 
But then, in something not unlike the "Thrilla in Manilla" with death and my grandmother sitting in the roles previously held by Ali and Frazier, another comeback by my grandmother went so well that she was actually released to go home, provided of course that someone was with her there all of the time.  So some family members lined up, either to stop by and help out during the day, or to help out during the overnights, but for almost a week my grandmother was back home and all seemed to be looking up again.  Then her blood sugar dropped, and  she was once again taken back into the hospital where more complications were discovered, including some infections that had gotten into her bloodstream apparently.  The problem was, given how much she had been in and out of the hospital recently, the doctors were wary of inserting another IV unless absolutely necessary, because previous IVs had left her arms severely bruised to the point that is was questionable whether they could even access a vein without doing more harm than good. 
It was at this point that I finally approached my boss at work today and told him what was going on, that realistically I may be needing a few days off at literally a moment's notice.  To his credit Ed looked at me and just said to take whatever I needed, if I needed time off, fine, if I needed money he would take care of that as well, I sometimes forget that, while I have a relatively minor job in the grand cosmos of employment, my employers really do kick ass for those that work for them.   Considering that we are running short staffed as it is, with one person out working security for the Women's US Open golf tournament, and two others off celebrating their wedding anniversary I hate to be an additional burden, but alas I have no control over the timing of events. 
So I made it back home today after work, I figured later this evening I would call my mom and let her know that I have everything squared away at work come what may, and really almost willing my phone to not ring, after all, as long as it doesn't my grandmother is still alive and presumably my mom would be sitting with her until the hospital kicked her out, when around 6:30pm the phone did in fact ring, my mental powers of phone manipulation lacking severely.  If ever I wanted it to be a telemarketer, that would have been the time, but it wasn't, it was in fact my mom.   And the news isn't good, they have opted for hospice care, in all essence saying that the clock is essentially ticking down with nothing good to happen in sight.  I am scheduled to go home this weekend, provided my grandmother makes it that long, if not I guess I am headed home sooner rather than later.  I gave my mom my work number just in case it is needed and for now all I do is sit here and wait, hoping the phone doesn't ring again.


  1. these days I leave the phone down stairs when I go to bed at night - bad news can wait ...

  2. Yeah, but then I would have to invest in stairs.


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