It's update time once again round these parts, just to let you know what is what exactly.
First, barring some exceedingly unlikely set of circumstances, it is pretty obvious who the next Asshat of the Week will be. Mind you, you are more than welcome to make your own suggestions for this dubious title, but I think this week's nominee has it all wrapped up. Still, I will hold out until Sunday or Monday, just in case someone does something worse, say like start a nuclear war, because it would take something along those lines to change who will be this week's winner.
My streak of winning money in fantasy leagues has come to an end, as I lost this weekend. I should be broken up over it, but am not. I am content to sit back and watch how the league plays out, even without me in it. Besides, I have two other yahoo fantasy teams to worry about. The football team there starts it's playoffs this weekend, where I still have a chance of winning a title, albeit a free one. I may post my yahoo fantasy sports profile some day, but today is not that day. In fantasy hockey, it was a perfect week, I went 10-0-0 against the third place team, so my new record is 57-32-11 and good enough for second place. Drafting Darcy Tucker is making me look like a fantasy genius, questions remain as to whether he can be this good for an entire season, but between getting him and Jean Sebastian Giguere , I managed two steals in the draft.
The change meter has cracked the $9 mark, we now stand at $9.06. I also got .50 credit for one of the surveys I mailed in, plus I am doing another survey for $1.50, so in the crappy change department, I am doing quite well.
I plan on getting around to the updated blogs sometime this weekend, maybe Friday night, so I can do my annoying commentary on everyone's pages. There are some things I wish to comment on, just haven't had the available time to do them justice.
Lastly, a quick comment on a comment on my Christmas list. First, I am surprised anyone actually read it, it is what passes for seasonal comedy amongst my family. I know it makes me look greedy, but in reality, I just enjoy spending time with my family during the holiday, and that is enough for me, but by the same token, if someone asks me what I want, I have no problem coming up with a slew of things I could put to good use. By and large though, I am just happy to have the family all under one roof for a few hours, and if that means I have to bow at the altar of the fat man in the red suit, then I happily will kneel. As for a comment about one of the things on my list, as I was asked about the twin sheets that were on it, the notion that I had a guest room had to make me smile, as I am working hard at being professionally poor (being poor as an amateur doesn't pay nearly enough), so the thought of me with a guest room made me giggle just a little, even though I am sure the question was innocent enough. No, I live in a little efficiency apartment and the twin bed is mine. Worse, while I have a smallish bed, I usually only sleep on the bottom two thirds of it, as the top third usually is littered with reading materials, and my alarm clock and sometimes, even an ashtray, depending if I am smoking while I am reading or not.
Well, the radio show is about to start, and I need to get everything settled in here, including getting my bumper music ready, such as Christmas tunes from the Rev. Horton Heat. have a good day everyone, I know I will, it's supposed to be 64 here today. Welcome to December in Pittsburgh, with bonus thank you's to all of you who help make global warming possible. I can't wait for the day when Pittsburgh is beachfront property.
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