Monday, August 16, 2010

An Oprah Moment

What can I say, it's been a pretty good day.  Work didn't suck, though I had so much help I was almost tripping over people at times.  Luckily there were plenty of projects to go around, Pepsi screwed up their order last week, so I had to have a rep come in today and redo the order, & Up had a delivery so I could sent some people to catch that truck, a week's worth of cardboard had to go out since it didn't go out last Thursday and they only pick up twice a week so there was another project, we had a grocery order come in for project number three, the deli cooler arrived and had to be taken off the truck and brought into the store for #4, I had to finish the cigarette ordering list for Universal for #5, all in all, lots of work but with a little delegation and some people actually showing up for work it was all handled with relative ease.  God forbid I actually got to leave on time for a change.

We had a new hire, Josh and he seems a little off, like maybe he smoked too much pot in a pst life or something, but he seemed eager enough, at least today.  We will see how it works out long term, but for me he was just like a loaded gun, just point him at something and hope when he goes off there isn't too much damage.  He did most of the cardboard work and was helpful in getting the deli cooler installed, but with as many people as I had around today, there wasn't much else for him to do. 

I went over to the World Golf Tour website to see how I fared in the weekly tournament, turns out I finished in 40th place.  I think I will win like three tokens for new clubs, hardly a windfall but at least it is something.

Speaking of winning, we have a contest winner in the guess the change meter total.  Minfd you, I kind of smiled at the guesses, just because I know how hard it is to come up with cash to begin with, heck even my best year I didn't net $100 and for the first three years I only averaged around $13, yet people assumed that I was going to get some sort of cash winfall over the course of two weeks, when in actuality I ended up only getting .76 cents, which brought the total to $171.88.  But since there were only 4 guesses I decided to go all Oprah, with a minor change.  Instead of pointing to the audience and screaming "You got a car and you got a car and you got a car" everyone got Pogo instead.  Alicat got the year of Pogo, but everyone else got three free months, which is better than what everyone started with.  And I still have plenty of Coke caps to add to my account for the next giveaway.

Well I am going to call it a day and enjoy the fact that a day went well for once.


  1. Congrats Alicat ;) & thanks Matt
    A car would have been nice....maybe your next competition *grins*

  2. I almost did a year for everyone, but then I would have had to push back the prizes for a week, because I would have had to add additional points to the Coke account, and while I have the caps to do so, I also promised a prize on the 16th, so I figured it better to just work with what I had than to do a postponement and ruin what little credibility this blog has. I can do that with my regular blathering, thank you very much.

  3. maybe we can have that monopoly game soon Leslie?

  4. Sure thang I jus have to relearn how to work myself around Pogo! lol Its been ages since Ive logged in Im not even sure I remember my information...

  5. I remembered! I remembered! I've also activated the 3 months Matt gave me, now umm how does it all work again?! lol CrazyOkie is my screen name I have no friends :-( Will yall be my friends? *very sad pouty face* :-D

  6. I thought this was your profile

    Who have I been sending my pornographic messages to?

  7. I have that ID on my list as well Matt, but I do remember the CrazyOkie one ;)

  8. I aint paying pogo subscription again too much moula lol, I'm sure I had crazyokie as a friend was that you Leslie lol wth I didnt know lol

  9. Maybe I made the CrazyOkie one when I couldnt remember the LustyLeslied one? I jus clicked the link and it is me and I some how feel cheated that I didnt receive the pornographic messages, you'll have to resend them!

    I dont have friends on either list :-( Well I didnt I jus added Angie to CrazyOkie, its the one I'll be using cause its the one I used Matt's 3 months on :-)

    So Im so confusing! lol

    You added someone you werent sure and you didnt know who I was Alli!!?? *sniff sob* How could you not know me! *sniff sniff sob*


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