Monday, May 24, 2010

Proud to Be Patriotic


Amazing, my small hometown makes national news.  Well not news per se, but a nice national fluff piece anyway.


  1. Actually I don't, and I was pretty unimpressed with the anchors in this particular piece, but I saw a link to a local online paper on one of my friend's Facebook posts, so I checked it out and as I scrolled down I saw the link to this particular piece. It is funny because my hometown is about an hour away from where I am in Pittsburgh, but to some people it is almost another world, they just don't understand the whole mindset behind people willingly waving flags and being proud to be an American, for them it is just too rednecky, so they write them off completely. I understand it and to a certain extent I agree with it. That doesn't leave us above criticism by any stretch of the imagination, but I would rather have as one of my baselines the idea that I am proud of where I am from and I hope we can always work to do better instead of being miserable about where I am from and hoping for a way out.

  2. I guess I've never been moved myself to be a flag waving looney err patriot. It's never been a big issue in my country, or the one I live in now.

  3. I would guess the question is then are you proud of where you are from or where you are now? If so, then what is the shame in expressing it? Other than being called a looney that is. Not that an expression is by any means mandatory, but I find it strikingly odd that the minute someone chooses to do so they are labeled with a moniker of some sort, as if they should be ashamed of actually expressing themselves.
    Not that the flag is that much of an issue here mind you, this is more about filling time on a 24 hour channel than an actual issue and waving a flag is great for the visual medium that is TV, I just found it interesting that of all of the places they could pick it just happened to be my hometown, a proverbial needle in a haystack when considering the population there versus the population of the United States, or even the state of Pennsylvania for that matter.

  4. Hey I think it's great that your hometown got a mention ( even if it was faux news)

    I've never really got the whole "flag=patriotism" deal. Yes I'm proud of where I come from & where I am now, that doesn't mean that I agree with everything the govt of the day does, & I don't hesitate to say so. I really don't give a toss if someone chooses to burn a flag, it's just a piece of material for fucks sake!

  5. Well, I think you and I agree on most of that. I too recognize that we are far from perfect and I am not one that gets all bent out of shape over flag burning, it is more an attempt by some to garner votes than a realistic concern, but I don't get bent out of shape if they choose to hang one off of their front porch either.


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