Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Brought to you by the AMA

I am going to try something with this page, so for now this entry is just a placeholder, it will be of either greater or lesser value in a couple of days.  The idea is relatively simple, Ask Matt Anything, and this thread will be live real time this Thursday at 7pm EST until people get bored with it, which should take place about 7:01pm EST.  Basically, I will take questions on any and all topics, which will definitively prove once and for all just how little I know.  I realize that not everyone can keep the same schedule that I do, so early question submissions can be made prior to my appearance here (though answers don't begin until Thursday at 7pm EST), I will try to answer them in the order they were submitted, but as long as people fire questions at me on Thursday in the comment thread, I will be sitting in front of ye olde computer (Multiply willing), and answering any and all comers.  If this even semi works, I will do it on a monthly basis, if it does not, then it is a one shot deal to probe the inner workings of my mind.  So, your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to think long and hard about things both serious and not so much and my mission is to come up with answers about the very same things. 

As for when I will be appearing on a blog near you, some time conversions are in order;

Reference Zone: US/Eastern
Reference Time: 19:00:00 Oct 23 2008

Add this to the
reference zone
( Days:Hours:Minutes:Seconds )
To get the time
in this zone
DST in effect?
+00:04:00:00 Africa/Abidjan no
+00:04:00:00 Africa/Accra no
+00:07:00:00 Africa/Addis_Ababa no
+00:05:00:00 Africa/Algiers no
+00:07:00:00 Africa/Asmara no
+00:07:00:00 Africa/Asmera no
+00:04:00:00 Africa/Bamako no
+00:05:00:00 Africa/Bangui no
+00:04:00:00 Africa/Banjul no
+00:04:00:00 Africa/Bissau no
+00:06:00:00 Africa/Blantyre no
+00:05:00:00 Africa/Brazzaville no
+00:06:00:00 Africa/Bujumbura no
+00:06:00:00 Africa/Cairo no
+00:04:00:00 Africa/Casablanca no
+00:06:00:00 Africa/Ceuta yes
+00:04:00:00 Africa/Conakry no
+00:04:00:00 Africa/Dakar no
+00:07:00:00 Africa/Dar_es_Salaam no
+00:07:00:00 Africa/Djibouti no
+00:05:00:00 Africa/Douala no
+00:04:00:00 Africa/El_Aaiun no
+00:04:00:00 Africa/Freetown no
+00:06:00:00 Africa/Gaborone no
+00:06:00:00 Africa/Harare no
+00:06:00:00 Africa/Johannesburg no
+00:07:00:00 Africa/Kampala no
+00:07:00:00 Africa/Khartoum no
+00:06:00:00 Africa/Kigali no
+00:05:00:00 Africa/Kinshasa no
+00:05:00:00 Africa/Lagos no
+00:05:00:00 Africa/Libreville no
+00:04:00:00 Africa/Lome no
+00:05:00:00 Africa/Luanda no
+00:06:00:00 Africa/Lubumbashi no
+00:06:00:00 Africa/Lusaka no
+00:05:00:00 Africa/Malabo no
+00:06:00:00 Africa/Maputo no
+00:06:00:00 Africa/Maseru no
+00:06:00:00 Africa/Mbabane no
+00:07:00:00 Africa/Mogadishu no
+00:04:00:00 Africa/Monrovia no
+00:07:00:00 Africa/Nairobi no
+00:05:00:00 Africa/Ndjamena no
+00:05:00:00 Africa/Niamey no
+00:04:00:00 Africa/Nouakchott no
+00:04:00:00 Africa/Ouagadougou no
+00:05:00:00 Africa/Porto-Novo no
+00:04:00:00 Africa/Sao_Tome no
+00:04:00:00 Africa/Timbuktu no
+00:06:00:00 Africa/Tripoli no
+00:06:00:00 Africa/Tunis yes
+00:06:00:00 Africa/Windhoek yes
-00:05:00:00 America/Adak yes
-00:04:00:00 America/Anchorage yes
+00:00:00:00 America/Anguilla no
+00:00:00:00 America/Antigua no
+00:01:00:00 America/Araguaina no
+00:02:00:00 America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires yes
+00:02:00:00 America/Argentina/Catamarca yes
+00:02:00:00 America/Argentina/ComodRivadavia yes
+00:02:00:00 America/Argentina/Cordoba yes
+00:02:00:00 America/Argentina/Jujuy yes
+00:02:00:00 America/Argentina/La_Rioja yes
+00:02:00:00 America/Argentina/Mendoza yes
+00:02:00:00 America/Argentina/Rio_Gallegos yes
+00:02:00:00 America/Argentina/San_Juan yes
+00:01:00:00 America/Argentina/San_Luis no
+00:02:00:00 America/Argentina/Tucuman yes
+00:02:00:00 America/Argentina/Ushuaia yes
+00:00:00:00 America/Aruba no
+00:01:00:00 America/Asuncion yes
-00:01:00:00 America/Atikokan no
-00:05:00:00 America/Atka yes
+00:01:00:00 America/Bahia no
+00:00:00:00 America/Barbados no
+00:01:00:00 America/Belem no
-00:02:00:00 America/Belize no
+00:00:00:00 America/Blanc-Sablon no
+00:00:00:00 America/Boa_Vista no
-00:01:00:00 America/Bogota no
-00:02:00:00 America/Boise yes
+00:02:00:00 America/Buenos_Aires yes
-00:02:00:00 America/Cambridge_Bay yes
+00:01:00:00 America/Campo_Grande yes
-00:01:00:00 America/Cancun yes
-00:00:30:00 America/Caracas no
+00:02:00:00 America/Catamarca yes
+00:01:00:00 America/Cayenne no
-00:01:00:00 America/Cayman no
-00:01:00:00 America/Chicago yes
-00:02:00:00 America/Chihuahua yes
-00:01:00:00 America/Coral_Harbour no
+00:02:00:00 America/Cordoba yes
-00:02:00:00 America/Costa_Rica no
+00:01:00:00 America/Cuiaba yes
+00:00:00:00 America/Curacao no
+00:04:00:00 America/Danmarkshavn no
-00:03:00:00 America/Dawson yes
-00:03:00:00 America/Dawson_Creek no
-00:02:00:00 America/Denver yes
+00:00:00:00 America/Detroit yes
+00:00:00:00 America/Dominica no
-00:02:00:00 America/Edmonton yes
+00:00:00:00 America/Eirunepe no
-00:02:00:00 America/El_Salvador no
-00:03:00:00 America/Ensenada yes
+00:01:00:00 America/Fortaleza no
+00:00:00:00 America/Fort_Wayne yes
+00:01:00:00 America/Glace_Bay yes
+00:02:00:00 America/Godthab yes
+00:01:00:00 America/Goose_Bay yes
+00:00:00:00 America/Grand_Turk yes
+00:00:00:00 America/Grenada no
+00:00:00:00 America/Guadeloupe no
-00:02:00:00 America/Guatemala no
-00:01:00:00 America/Guayaquil no
+00:00:00:00 America/Guyana no
+00:01:00:00 America/Halifax yes
+00:00:00:00 America/Havana yes
-00:03:00:00 America/Hermosillo no
+00:00:00:00 America/Indiana/Indianapolis yes
-00:01:00:00 America/Indiana/Knox yes
+00:00:00:00 America/Indiana/Marengo yes
+00:00:00:00 America/Indiana/Petersburg yes
+00:00:00:00 America/Indianapolis yes
-00:01:00:00 America/Indiana/Tell_City yes
+00:00:00:00 America/Indiana/Vevay yes
+00:00:00:00 America/Indiana/Vincennes yes
+00:00:00:00 America/Indiana/Winamac yes
-00:02:00:00 America/Inuvik yes
+00:00:00:00 America/Iqaluit yes
-00:01:00:00 America/Jamaica no
+00:02:00:00 America/Jujuy yes
-00:04:00:00 America/Juneau yes
+00:00:00:00 America/Kentucky/Louisville yes
+00:00:00:00 America/Kentucky/Monticello yes
-00:01:00:00 America/Knox_IN yes
+00:00:00:00 America/La_Paz no
-00:01:00:00 America/Lima no
-00:03:00:00 America/Los_Angeles yes
+00:00:00:00 America/Louisville yes
+00:01:00:00 America/Maceio no
-00:02:00:00 America/Managua no
+00:00:00:00 America/Manaus no
+00:00:00:00 America/Marigot no
+00:00:00:00 America/Martinique no
-00:02:00:00 America/Mazatlan yes
+00:02:00:00 America/Mendoza yes
-00:01:00:00 America/Menominee yes
-00:01:00:00 America/Merida yes
-00:01:00:00 America/Mexico_City yes
+00:02:00:00 America/Miquelon yes
+00:01:00:00 America/Moncton yes
-00:01:00:00 America/Monterrey yes
+00:02:00:00 America/Montevideo yes
+00:00:00:00 America/Montreal yes
+00:00:00:00 America/Montserrat no
+00:00:00:00 America/Nassau yes
+00:00:00:00 America/New_York yes
+00:00:00:00 America/Nipigon yes
-00:04:00:00 America/Nome yes
+00:02:00:00 America/Noronha no
-00:01:00:00 America/North_Dakota/Center yes
-00:01:00:00 America/North_Dakota/New_Salem yes
-00:01:00:00 America/Panama no
+00:00:00:00 America/Pangnirtung yes
+00:01:00:00 America/Paramaribo no
-00:03:00:00 America/Phoenix no
-00:01:00:00 America/Port-au-Prince no
+00:00:00:00 America/Porto_Acre no
+00:00:00:00 America/Port_of_Spain no
+00:00:00:00 America/Porto_Velho no
+00:00:00:00 America/Puerto_Rico no
-00:01:00:00 America/Rainy_River yes
-00:01:00:00 America/Rankin_Inlet yes
+00:01:00:00 America/Recife no
-00:02:00:00 America/Regina no
-00:01:00:00 America/Resolute no
+00:00:00:00 America/Rio_Branco no
+00:02:00:00 America/Rosario yes
+00:01:00:00 America/Santarem no
+00:01:00:00 America/Santiago yes
+00:00:00:00 America/Santo_Domingo no
+00:02:00:00 America/Sao_Paulo yes
+00:04:00:00 America/Scoresbysund yes
-00:02:00:00 America/Shiprock yes
+00:00:00:00 America/St_Barthelemy no
+00:01:30:00 America/St_Johns yes
+00:00:00:00 America/St_Kitts no
+00:00:00:00 America/St_Lucia no
+00:00:00:00 America/St_Thomas no
+00:00:00:00 America/St_Vincent no
-00:02:00:00 America/Swift_Current no
-00:02:00:00 America/Tegucigalpa no
+00:01:00:00 America/Thule yes
+00:00:00:00 America/Thunder_Bay yes
-00:03:00:00 America/Tijuana yes
+00:00:00:00 America/Toronto yes
+00:00:00:00 America/Tortola no
-00:03:00:00 America/Vancouver yes
+00:00:00:00 America/Virgin no
-00:03:00:00 America/Whitehorse yes
-00:01:00:00 America/Winnipeg yes
-00:04:00:00 America/Yakutat yes
-00:02:00:00 America/Yellowknife yes
+00:12:00:00 Antarctica/Casey no
+00:11:00:00 Antarctica/Davis no
+00:14:00:00 Antarctica/DumontDUrville no
+00:10:00:00 Antarctica/Mawson no
+00:17:00:00 Antarctica/McMurdo yes
+00:01:00:00 Antarctica/Palmer yes
+00:01:00:00 Antarctica/Rothera no
+00:17:00:00 Antarctica/South_Pole yes
+00:07:00:00 Antarctica/Syowa no
+00:10:00:00 Antarctica/Vostok no
+00:06:00:00 Arctic/Longyearbyen yes
+00:07:00:00 Asia/Aden no
+00:10:00:00 Asia/Almaty no
+00:07:00:00 Asia/Amman yes
+00:17:00:00 Asia/Anadyr yes
+00:09:00:00 Asia/Aqtau no
+00:09:00:00 Asia/Aqtobe no
+00:09:00:00 Asia/Ashgabat no
+00:09:00:00 Asia/Ashkhabad no
+00:07:00:00 Asia/Baghdad no
+00:07:00:00 Asia/Bahrain no
+00:09:00:00 Asia/Baku yes
+00:11:00:00 Asia/Bangkok no
+00:12:00:00 Asia/Beijing no
+00:07:00:00 Asia/Beirut yes
+00:10:00:00 Asia/Bishkek no
+00:12:00:00 Asia/Brunei no
+00:09:30:00 Asia/Calcutta no
+00:12:00:00 Asia/Choibalsan no
+00:12:00:00 Asia/Chongqing no
+00:12:00:00 Asia/Chungking no
+00:09:30:00 Asia/Colombo no
+00:10:00:00 Asia/Dacca no
+00:07:00:00 Asia/Damascus yes
+00:10:00:00 Asia/Dhaka no
+00:13:00:00 Asia/Dili no
+00:08:00:00 Asia/Dubai no
+00:09:00:00 Asia/Dushanbe no
+00:06:00:00 Asia/Gaza no
+00:12:00:00 Asia/Harbin no
+00:11:00:00 Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh no
+00:12:00:00 Asia/Hong_Kong no
+00:11:00:00 Asia/Hovd no
+00:13:00:00 Asia/Irkutsk yes
+00:07:00:00 Asia/Istanbul yes
+00:11:00:00 Asia/Jakarta no
+00:13:00:00 Asia/Jayapura no
+00:06:00:00 Asia/Jerusalem no
+00:08:30:00 Asia/Kabul no
+00:17:00:00 Asia/Kamchatka yes
+00:10:00:00 Asia/Karachi yes
+00:12:00:00 Asia/Kashgar no
+00:09:45:00 Asia/Katmandu no
+00:09:30:00 Asia/Kolkata no
+00:12:00:00 Asia/Krasnoyarsk yes
+00:12:00:00 Asia/Kuala_Lumpur no
+00:12:00:00 Asia/Kuching no
+00:07:00:00 Asia/Kuwait no
+00:12:00:00 Asia/Macao no
+00:12:00:00 Asia/Macau no
+00:16:00:00 Asia/Magadan yes
+00:12:00:00 Asia/Makassar no
+00:12:00:00 Asia/Manila no
+00:08:00:00 Asia/Muscat no
+00:07:00:00 Asia/Nicosia yes
+00:11:00:00 Asia/Novosibirsk yes
+00:11:00:00 Asia/Omsk yes
+00:09:00:00 Asia/Oral no
+00:11:00:00 Asia/Phnom_Penh no
+00:11:00:00 Asia/Pontianak no
+00:13:00:00 Asia/Pyongyang no
+00:07:00:00 Asia/Qatar no
+00:10:00:00 Asia/Qyzylorda no
+00:10:30:00 Asia/Rangoon no
+00:07:00:00 Asia/Riyadh no
+00:07:07:04 Asia/Riyadh87 no
+00:07:07:04 Asia/Riyadh88 no
+00:07:07:04 Asia/Riyadh89 no
+00:11:00:00 Asia/Saigon no
+00:15:00:00 Asia/Sakhalin yes
+00:09:00:00 Asia/Samarkand no
+00:13:00:00 Asia/Seoul no
+00:12:00:00 Asia/Shanghai no
+00:12:00:00 Asia/Singapore no
+00:12:00:00 Asia/Taipei no
+00:09:00:00 Asia/Tashkent no
+00:08:00:00 Asia/Tbilisi no
+00:07:30:00 Asia/Tehran no
+00:06:00:00 Asia/Tel_Aviv no
+00:10:00:00 Asia/Thimbu no
+00:10:00:00 Asia/Thimphu no
+00:13:00:00 Asia/Tokyo no
+00:12:00:00 Asia/Ujung_Pandang no
+00:12:00:00 Asia/Ulaanbaatar no
+00:12:00:00 Asia/Ulan_Bator no
+00:12:00:00 Asia/Urumqi no
+00:11:00:00 Asia/Vientiane no
+00:15:00:00 Asia/Vladivostok yes
+00:14:00:00 Asia/Yakutsk yes
+00:10:00:00 Asia/Yekaterinburg yes
+00:09:00:00 Asia/Yerevan yes
+00:04:00:00 Atlantic/Azores yes
+00:01:00:00 Atlantic/Bermuda yes
+00:05:00:00 Atlantic/Canary yes
+00:03:00:00 Atlantic/Cape_Verde no
+00:05:00:00 Atlantic/Faeroe yes
+00:05:00:00 Atlantic/Faroe yes
+00:06:00:00 Atlantic/Jan_Mayen yes
+00:05:00:00 Atlantic/Madeira yes
+00:04:00:00 Atlantic/Reykjavik no
+00:02:00:00 Atlantic/South_Georgia no
+00:01:00:00 Atlantic/Stanley yes
+00:04:00:00 Atlantic/St_Helena no
+00:15:00:00 Australia/ACT yes
+00:14:30:00 Australia/Adelaide yes
+00:14:00:00 Australia/Brisbane no
+00:14:30:00 Australia/Broken_Hill yes
+00:15:00:00 Australia/Canberra yes
+00:15:00:00 Australia/Currie yes
+00:13:30:00 Australia/Darwin no
+00:12:45:00 Australia/Eucla no
+00:15:00:00 Australia/Hobart yes
+00:15:00:00 Australia/LHI yes
+00:14:00:00 Australia/Lindeman no
+00:15:00:00 Australia/Lord_Howe yes
+00:15:00:00 Australia/Melbourne yes
+00:13:30:00 Australia/North no
+00:15:00:00 Australia/NSW yes
+00:12:00:00 Australia/Perth no
+00:14:00:00 Australia/Queensland no
+00:14:30:00 Australia/South yes
+00:15:00:00 Australia/Sydney yes
+00:15:00:00 Australia/Tasmania yes
+00:15:00:00 Australia/Victoria yes
+00:12:00:00 Australia/West no
+00:14:30:00 Australia/Yancowinna yes
+00:00:00:00 Brazil/Acre no
+00:02:00:00 Brazil/DeNoronha no
+00:02:00:00 Brazil/East yes
+00:00:00:00 Brazil/West no
+00:01:00:00 Canada/Atlantic yes
-00:01:00:00 Canada/Central yes
+00:00:00:00 Canada/Eastern yes
-00:02:00:00 Canada/East-Saskatchewan no
-00:02:00:00 Canada/Mountain yes
+00:01:30:00 Canada/Newfoundland yes
-00:03:00:00 Canada/Pacific yes
-00:02:00:00 Canada/Saskatchewan no
-00:03:00:00 Canada/Yukon yes
+00:06:00:00 CET yes
+00:01:00:00 Chile/Continental yes
-00:01:00:00 Chile/EasterIsland yes
-00:01:00:00 CST6CDT yes
+00:00:00:00 Cuba yes
+00:07:00:00 EET yes
+00:06:00:00 Egypt no
+00:05:00:00 Eire yes
-00:01:00:00 EST no
+00:00:00:00 EST5EDT yes
+00:04:00:00 Etc/GMT no
+00:04:00:00 Etc/GMT0 no
+00:04:00:00 Etc/GMT-0 no
+00:04:00:00 Etc/GMT+0 no
+00:05:00:00 Etc/GMT-1 no
+00:03:00:00 Etc/GMT+1 no
+00:14:00:00 Etc/GMT-10 no
-00:06:00:00 Etc/GMT+10 no
+00:15:00:00 Etc/GMT-11 no
-00:07:00:00 Etc/GMT+11 no
+00:16:00:00 Etc/GMT-12 no
-00:08:00:00 Etc/GMT+12 no
+00:17:00:00 Etc/GMT-13 no
+00:18:00:00 Etc/GMT-14 no
+00:06:00:00 Etc/GMT-2 no
+00:02:00:00 Etc/GMT+2 no
+00:07:00:00 Etc/GMT-3 no
+00:01:00:00 Etc/GMT+3 no
+00:08:00:00 Etc/GMT-4 no
+00:00:00:00 Etc/GMT+4 no
+00:09:00:00 Etc/GMT-5 no
-00:01:00:00 Etc/GMT+5 no
+00:10:00:00 Etc/GMT-6 no
-00:02:00:00 Etc/GMT+6 no
+00:11:00:00 Etc/GMT-7 no
-00:03:00:00 Etc/GMT+7 no
+00:12:00:00 Etc/GMT-8 no
-00:04:00:00 Etc/GMT+8 no
+00:13:00:00 Etc/GMT-9 no
-00:05:00:00 Etc/GMT+9 no
+00:04:00:00 Etc/Greenwich no
+00:04:00:00 Etc/UCT no
+00:04:00:00 Etc/Universal no
+00:04:00:00 Etc/UTC no
+00:04:00:00 Etc/Zulu no
+00:06:00:00 Europe/Amsterdam yes
+00:06:00:00 Europe/Andorra yes
+00:07:00:00 Europe/Athens yes
+00:05:00:00 Europe/Belfast yes
+00:06:00:00 Europe/Belgrade yes
+00:06:00:00 Europe/Berlin yes
+00:06:00:00 Europe/Bratislava yes
+00:06:00:00 Europe/Brussels yes
+00:07:00:00 Europe/Bucharest yes
+00:06:00:00 Europe/Budapest yes
+00:07:00:00 Europe/Chisinau yes
+00:06:00:00 Europe/Copenhagen yes
+00:05:00:00 Europe/Dublin yes
+00:06:00:00 Europe/Gibraltar yes
+00:05:00:00 Europe/Guernsey yes
+00:07:00:00 Europe/Helsinki yes
+00:05:00:00 Europe/Isle_of_Man yes
+00:07:00:00 Europe/Istanbul yes
+00:05:00:00 Europe/Jersey yes
+00:07:00:00 Europe/Kaliningrad yes
+00:07:00:00 Europe/Kiev yes
+00:05:00:00 Europe/Lisbon yes
+00:06:00:00 Europe/Ljubljana yes
+00:05:00:00 Europe/London yes
+00:06:00:00 Europe/Luxembourg yes
+00:06:00:00 Europe/Madrid yes
+00:06:00:00 Europe/Malta yes
+00:07:00:00 Europe/Mariehamn yes
+00:07:00:00 Europe/Minsk yes
+00:06:00:00 Europe/Monaco yes
+00:08:00:00 Europe/Moscow yes
+00:07:00:00 Europe/Nicosia yes
+00:06:00:00 Europe/Oslo yes
+00:06:00:00 Europe/Paris yes
+00:06:00:00 Europe/Podgorica yes
+00:06:00:00 Europe/Prague yes
+00:07:00:00 Europe/Riga yes
+00:06:00:00 Europe/Rome yes
+00:09:00:00 Europe/Samara yes
+00:06:00:00 Europe/San_Marino yes
+00:06:00:00 Europe/Sarajevo yes
+00:07:00:00 Europe/Simferopol yes
+00:06:00:00 Europe/Skopje yes
+00:07:00:00 Europe/Sofia yes
+00:06:00:00 Europe/Stockholm yes
+00:07:00:00 Europe/Tallinn yes
+00:06:00:00 Europe/Tirane yes
+00:07:00:00 Europe/Tiraspol yes
+00:07:00:00 Europe/Uzhgorod yes
+00:06:00:00 Europe/Vaduz yes
+00:06:00:00 Europe/Vatican yes
+00:06:00:00 Europe/Vienna yes
+00:07:00:00 Europe/Vilnius yes
+00:08:00:00 Europe/Volgograd yes
+00:06:00:00 Europe/Warsaw yes
+00:06:00:00 Europe/Zagreb yes
+00:07:00:00 Europe/Zaporozhye yes
+00:06:00:00 Europe/Zurich yes
+00:04:00:00 Factory no
+00:05:00:00 GB yes
+00:05:00:00 GB-Eire yes
+00:04:00:00 GMT no
+00:04:00:00 GMT0 no
+00:04:00:00 GMT-0 no
+00:04:00:00 GMT+0 no
+00:03:00:00 GMT-1 no
+00:05:00:00 GMT+1 no
-00:06:00:00 GMT-10 no
+00:14:00:00 GMT+10 no
-00:07:00:00 GMT-11 no
+00:15:00:00 GMT+11 no
-00:08:00:00 GMT-12 no
+00:16:00:00 GMT+12 no
+00:17:00:00 GMT+13 no
+00:18:00:00 GMT+14 no
+00:02:00:00 GMT-2 no
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  1. Imagine if you will, that one country ruled the entire world. Not by force but by choice. The world votes on which country and its leaders are responsible for the running of the entire world. Imagine that the current leaders of each country are running for world leader. Which country would you vote for and why?

  2. T minus 11 hrs and 18 minutes to blog time.

  3. Do you like Chinese food? And if so, what is your favorite Chinese Restaurant in Pittsburgh?

  4. Okay. It's time for you to answer my very important question. But make it quick. Katie Couric is waiting for me. So what about that Chinese food...?

  5. I was experiencing technical difficulty, by that I mean my eyelids were firmly stapled shut and I didn't set my alarm clock.

  6. Shame on you! First question, how do u expect ur public to ask questions when ur not even here to answer them!!??

  7. So you don't miss too much Katie, and since you are one of the newer members, I have blogged in the past that combo lo mein is one of my comfort foods, so yes I do like Chinese food. As for the best place in Pittsburgh to go, it depends on the occasion. If I am ordering delivery, I go with Chopsticks in Sq Hill, if I a taking a date out and doing the whole tablecloth and napkin thing, I go to the Sesame Inn at Station Square and if I am just ordering quickie Chinese, then usually Szechuan Express on Oakland Avenue, which is like a giant tub of food for $5.

  8. Well, I was only a couple of minutes behind schedule, the questions could have been on the screen waiting, though I suppose this grants me the opportunity to answer even more questions. Truth be told, I was at the radio station all night last night, so I settled down for a quickie nap and just overslept.

  9. Why were at the radio station all night?

  10. I have never mastered the fine art of chopsticks, though I can whittle them down and make fine miniature spears with which to stab the food.

  11. What made you decide to do a "live thread" blog

  12. What do you normally do on a Thursday night

  13. Why haven't you answered Tick's question yet? I'm kinda curious to the answer and I'm also glad he didn't ask me lol

  14. Usually I ride in to work with Carol Finelli, who does traffic reports for us in the morning as well as our sister AM station (1320 AM) down the hall. Carol is taking a couple of days off so I am fending for myself. I can either go in and work overnight (and grab a quick nap on our loveseat if needed) or I can call a cab in the morning, which is reliable but pricey. I just chose the cheaper route last night.

  15. It hadn't been done yet, and I like thinking on the fly. I am in a funk where I just haven't had the gumption to sit down and type out some longwinded piece and I thought this might spur the creativity a bit.

  16. Are my questions driving you insane yet?

  17. Yes, yes I did, though if that were the only mistake I would make, I would consider this a resounding success.

  18. You know I'm only asking tons of questions to drive you nuts right?

  19. Depends on the Thursday. If I am off I will probably just lay around the apartment and watch "The Office", but usually I am working.

  20. Should I slow down on the questions and let you catch up?

  21. It's a job. I am neither excited nor depressed by it. I just sat through my 90 day evaluation the other day, where I was told that I do some things well others not so much. I doubt the things I don't do well are going to change (I only ring 370 items per hour versus the 450 goal they set for cashiers/I refuse to bombard potential customers with credit card applications as they are checkling out) so they will either deal with that or cut me loose.

  22. They really have a set goal of items to be rung up in any given hour?

  23. Well, that was one of the purposes of the thread, though the more questions I answer live the more it gets me away from answering Lee's question at the top of the thread.

  24. Why do the cashiers have to offer the credit card applications? I've never been asked by a cashier here if I wanted to fill one out.

  25. Oh I see you're avoiding Ticks question? lol

  26. So you did this thread to be driven nuts? lol

  27. Probably Obama-Biden, barring any last minute revelations like a candidate going all Sigourney Weaver on us and having an alien erupt from their chest, though neither ticket has me overwhelmed with desire to go to the voting booth. I will do it more out of civic duty than an overwhelming prefernce of one over the other. I tend to disagree more with McCain than Obama, though I don't find him (McCain) to be the embodiment of all that is evil and unholy, unlike some of my brethern in the Democratic Party.

  28. You were prolly hoping for really intellectual questions weren't you?

  29. Yes, evenings would be the second job, though I am at the radio station every weekday morning, so there is no need to ask what I would normally do with a Thursday morning.

  30. I am just hoping I don't miss any. It isn't the speed of the questions that gets me, it is my epidemic inability to type that will prove to be my undoing.

  31. I'm not sure about Obama being president, altho I wont be voting for McCain...even tho its irrelevant at this point who do you think would have been a better option...Clinton or Obama?

  32. What do you think about Tick's metalhead music list?

  33. Are you going to do this thread all night long?

  34. Yes, standard goals for Walmart cashiers are to be able to ring 450 items per hour. I don't get this standard of measurement to be honest, it is affected too easily by luck and what not, and working an express register is a sure sign that your average will come down. That being said, if I get someone who walks through my line and gets say 4 cases of Oodles of Noodles, that is a quick 48 items and really didn't result in us making all that much money, It is just an easy boost to the cashier's average by nothing more than sheer luck.

  35. Is that why when there are 100 people in line to check out and there are only 3 checkers they take an hour to call up more cashiers, so they can increase their cashier's average?

  36. They have computerized the credit card application process so the customer can literally fill it out at the register and can most likely be accepted or rejected before they leave the store. That being said, I know when I am checking out at a store, it is because I am done shopping and just want to leave. People bombarding me with offers for crap, that if I wanted, I would have sought out in the store, is just another reason why I like automatic checkout lines versus waiting for live cashiers.

  37. Does your Wal-Mart have a Jackson Hewitt store in it?

  38. No, I think I have a decent answer for it. I have had more than 24 hours to mull it around in my brain and the only thing I am certain of it that I know far too few world leaders.

  39. Avctually I wasn't. At least not in the sit down and figure out this calculus level nonsense type of intellectualism. Rather, I realize that some things I deem trivial are of importance to others and some things I deem important are in fact trivial to the reading audience. This is a chance that for all of those things some people may have thought were important to ask them, rather than perhaps some day stumbling over it within the text of a blog.

  40. Lets talk relationships (girlfriends) long was your longest relationship?

  41. What do you look for in a girl? Besides that she's breathing!

  42. I lke them both for diferent reasons. Actually, back when I was doing live radio with Lynn I said when the process began, to look on the stage and see the Democratic field for the first debate, I felt rather proud of my party (okay, save for Kucinich and Gravel). I would have been happy with any of them. I think Clinton would be more policy wonkish and there would be less of this crying between both sides that seem to be offended every time the other side releases an ad or holds a rally. It would be far more no holds barred and damn the torpedoes, which makes for a more interesting campaign in my book than "I can't believe he said this about me" nonsense that has been passing for discourse. Instead of knock down drag out campaigning, we are stuck with both guys talking about how much they love Joe the Plumber. I got news for them, there are another 280 million of us besides dear old Joe.

  43. I like at least some music by most ofthe artists, even if they aren't the songs he picked, as I mentioned there about Queensryche on his second list. Same would be with the third, where I would have picked "Twist of Cain" or "Mother" by Danzig over the ones he selected.

  44. I doubt people will be asking questions all night long, though by overnapping I did exceed my personal goal of this thread lasting until 7:01pm.

  45. So you would agree that this Joe the Plumber shit has more than ran its course?

  46. I agree with all the crying over the ads and seemingly getting offended so easily over everything. You'd think they were running for class president rather than President of the US.

  47. Actually, if the store is being run properly, they will have a number of cashiers that they are required by higher ups outside the store to have on register for every hour they are open. That being said, it is Walmart and the chance of people calling off as well as maintaining a break schedule (so they don't get sued again for making people work too much) means that delays are bound to occur from time to time. Plus, the sheer volume of business a typical store does is going to cause problems no matter what. It isn't uncommon for the store I work at to sell over $7 million dollars of merchandise in a month. I know I saw the projections for December this year, they are expecing us to break $10 million dollars in a 31 day span.

  48. We have a Subway (with an extended menu, they sell pizzas, popcorn, hotdogs as well as typical Subway stuff) and a pretzel place as well as our money center, photo studio and hair salon but no Jackson Hewitt or other financial institution.

  49. Longest relationship would have been two and a half years. We looked at rings and to this day I am glad I didn't purchase one because I am sure that when it failed she would have hocked the ring.

  50. Whats your idea of the perfect first date?

  51. So you feel the woman should give back her engagement ring should the relationship break before the wedding?

  52. To be honest, I just don't look anymore. Being in a relationship was far more important for me a decade ago than it is now. Now it is more of a distraction than a necessity. The math doesn't work, if I were to meet the perfect (or perfect for me) person tomorrow and get married the day after and get pregnant the day after that, I would still be 56-57 years old before the kid could drive and working in my 60s just to get the kid through college. Now when my mom asks about grandkids I just say that I am the period at the end of the family sentence, nothing is coming after me.

    I am not saying I couldn't meet someone and to be honest I don't know what I would be looking for until I see it, but I just don't spend a lot of my time thinking about it anymore.

  53. It is the Clara Peller ("Where the beef" lady) of American politics and anyone outside of the US seeing us debate stupid things like this in this day and age can understand why we get the leaders we do. The Red State guys have it right, all he does is poke a stick in a pipe and jiggle it around a bit until shit comes out. If only everyone had such a simple and honest perspective, rather that lift buffoons such as he to political pundit status, life would be much better.

  54. Yes it is a Supercenter, though I am finding cheaper prices in stores around the Walmart I work at. There is a good used bookstore just across the street, as well as a ghetto grocery story (no shelves, you bag your own stuff) and a Dollar Tree all right near the store, so everyday low prices may be true, but I can find lower if I look hard enough.

  55. So no kids, but do you honestly see yourself alone for the rest of your life?

  56. No, Halloween is one of the more overrated holidays in my book, though for all of the talk of us being in a recession, I still see people wasting money on this holiday as though it were something important. It is not uncommon to see people at work leave the store with over $200 worth of candy and decorations for the holiday and all I think is I could be in Oodles of Noodles for a year on what they are wasting on this junk.

  57. Much like a car wreck, I would say any one I can walk away from. I can't even remember the last official date I had, though I think it would be all the way back at the first Spiderman movie premiere. Now if given a choice between all of the primming and preening that goes into a date or just doing something I enjoy, I prefer the latter.

  58. Why do you think a date has to be "primming and preening"? Why don't you think that it can be something simple that you enjoy?

  59. I suppose, though I think weddings and engagements by and large are just ceremonial things more than anything else. When you are doing the day to day with someone of figuring out all of the things from paying the bills to what to do on a day to day basis, you are all but married save for a piece of paper. A ring or ceremony doesn't change that, they just make money for a lot of people that otherwise would be asking you if you would like fries with that at McDonald's.

  60. I ate some leftovers from lunch, szechuan beef, that I had when Phil and I went to lunch this afternoon (thanks again Phil) that I imagine was the basis for his Chinese food question further up the thread.

  61. So you're not big on the idea of marriage?

  62. Yes I do. The hardest part was accepting it, as it runs counter to what is perceived to be what everyone should do, the whole get married, house and kids bit. Once I had accepted that being alone wasn't a bad thing, but rather a good thing, it was as if a huge burden had been lifted. Now I am just happier hanging out with friends or spending time alone than I would be if I was with someone. Prime example, I magine if I had proposed doing something like this while I was dating or with someone, they would have told me how dumb it was or thought I could find a better use of my time. Now that isn't an issue for me, which is just as I would like it.

  63. Ah so Phil is a local friend? Is it disappointing that he choose Katie over you? lol

  64. Because it is a date and you are looking to impress. Even if the event were something simple, people are rarely their true selves on a first date, it is more about creating the illusion that you are someone that the other person might be interested in. It is just too much work for too little return on the investment, again the math doesn't work.

  65. If she had told you that then she wouldnt have been the right person for you. Someone who loves you wouldnt focus on all the wrong or negative things and they would respect you enough to give you the space you needed to do things you want without judgement. But think if you were with someone you might not want to do things like this, as you would prolly want to spend time with her.

    I'm curious why you feel that being alone is something you had to accept?

  66. Not anymore, it has fallen quite considerably in terms of importance to me. I used to think it was important, now it is just a long drawn process that I would rather not invest my time in.

  67. I really think you are hanging out with the wrong people, or going out with the wrong people if you truly feel that way. I wouldnt go out with someone that I wasnt already impressed with. The date is just a way to spend more time with them.

  68. Save me scrolling Matt...have you answered my question yet?

  69. Phil would be Phil Marcus, he of radio and real estate fame. Actually Phil is one of the guys I would call when Lynn was taking time off at the radio statio to fill in and he and I will go out to lunch and just shoot the breeze around once a month schedules permitting. Usually we end up at Panera, but today we opted for Chinese food. He is also one of the newer members on my friends list, having just set up a Multiply account, probably to monitor what I say in hopes I don't give away any real estate secrets, which isn't a problem because I don't have any.

  70. Hmmm I just woke up, so I guess I can forgive lol

  71. Matt what are you wearing? lol

  72. Not avoiding but I too was sleeping, I showed up 4 minutes late and have been trying to catch up ever since.

  73. He was late to his own live feed too, so it was a very slow start lol

  74. I suppose that would be my fault. I did ask alot of questions :-)

  75. Is Leslie being a pain in the arse? Oops I mean giving you a hard time about being late? lmao

  76. Right now I am just in boxer shorts having stumbled from bed into this project, getting dressed didn't seem all that important because thankfully we haven't adopted a TV audience to this project yet.

  77. lol Been a pain in the ass this whole time actually! Driving him insane with questions lol

  78. Yet? Does this mean in the future we can expect live video feed?

  79. You know... I was thiking (shut up leslie), that maybe you could do something like this on a webcam sometime. Sort of what I started doing on 360 on what seems a lifetime ago. What do you think?

  80. I know this is ask Matt feed, but how is Angie doing?

  81. Not really, I am surprised this thread has lasted as long as it has to be honest. Though had I gotten here on time it would have been 4 minutes shorter.

  82. She is doing good Leslie. Thanks for asking xoxo

  83. I've been thinking about her and not seeing her around much had me worried :-( but I didnt wanna be jus like everyone else and leave a random comment on her guestbook.

  84. Aww thank you Matt, altho I'm sure I'm a pain in the ass lol

  85. Wearing boxers huh, guess that answers the question boxers or briefs. Do you ever go commando?

  86. I'll be back, got to make a few phone calls for work.

  87. As for an answer to the very first question, I would probably go with Gordon Brown, not because I find him great, but because I find the lot of world leaders, at least the ones I know, to be less than stellar, much like our current presidential candidates. Plus there is something about question time, where the PM just gets bombarded with questions from Parliment, that I have always found appealing about the Bristish system.
    I really wish I could point to one guy and say "Wow, that guy is outstanding" but rather picking a global leader out of the pool that is available, it is kind of like picking a beauty queen out of the Walmart clientele, slim pickings to say the least.

  88. Are you saying that your walmart customers are ugly? lol

  89. Well, my webcam is less than spectacular, so the possibility of doing it would have less to do with me being able than with not having the technology to do so.

  90. We've been at this for almost 2 hours is your ass as numb as mine?

  91. Well, I need to see how this works out as a blog first, if it is a workable feature then I suppose the possibility would be to expand, but that would also require me to get a video recorder for Christmas, as it isn't something I would splurge on for myself.

  92. No I can usually find one clean pair of underwear somehwre around here. That being said, i did have the opportunity at work today to see some of Paris Hilton's new MTV show, "My New BFF" and I was thinking that the winner of the show (if you can really call that person a winner) would have an easy time come Christmas in what to buy Paris, as you could get her underwear because apparently she doesn't have any.

  93. If I got you a present for Christmas would you give me your address so I could send it?

  94. I'm sure she has boxes full she jus chooses not to wear them. I mean how would u get more press if all you showed was your panties every time you opened your legs?

  95. Well, lets just say that the women that buy their undergarments at walmart aren't the type of women I would date. Especially the thong buyers. While I will admit some women have backsides that are definitely thongable, nice round backside and what not, far too often the women buying thongs at Walmart would have a Chernobyl like ass spill coming out each side, which would involve Hazmat crews and poisonous FEMA trailers in order to be cleaned up.

  96. Actually I think I am getting my second wind here. I attribute it to the gallon of iced tea I have next to me.

  97. My address is 415 McKee Place Apt #2, Pittsburgh PA, 15213. That was an easy one.

  98. You're very brave putting that out there for all to see!

  99. How would I get more press by opening my legs while wearing panties? Well that spectacle in and of itself may get me more media attention than I deserve. As for whether she has any or can afford them, I am sure she could afford them, but I have never seen her and them in the same place at the same time, which leads me to believe she either doesn't own any or she is in fact a pair on panties herself.

  100. How often do you look at her umm lower area to check and see if she's wearing panties? lol

  101. Then you would be either my first or second, depending. We did have one person write the show when I was working with Doug who heard me on the air and wanted to go to lunch with me based on my overwhelming radio coolness, to which I told Doug that how hard up do you have to be to be asking the guy who doesn't host the show, but rather just produces the show on a low power AM radio station out to lunch. It is akin to seeing a movie and rather than wanting to date one of the actors or actresses, focusing your amorousness on the second key grip.

  102. Depends on how many bottles of eye bleach I have handy.

  103. See, I can even answer questions from myself.

  104. This has been really fun, but my ass needs a break lol so I'm taking it now. If you're still around later I'll be back :-)

  105. I should start getting ready for work myself, provided no other questions come in.

  106. I have to go in for overnight again tonight, I'll probably get there around 11pm.

  107. Well if I dont make it back before you leave, dont work too hard and thanks this has been lots of fun you'll have to do it again sometime :-)

  108. It will probably be making a second appearance next month, this worked out better than I thought it would.

  109. Awww does this mean your gone now? lol

  110. I was listening to a local talk back station the other night, where the host was talking about a child in South America that was born a hermaphrodite talk his/her father to court because the father wanted to child to be a boy and the child wanted to be a girl. The child won the court case btw. Then interviewed a real live hermaphrodite and the discussion was most interesting. Given the topic, let me pose the question. Imagine your born a hermaphrodite and you were given the choice of what sex you would want to be, what would you choose and why?

  111. I am at the floating in and out stage now, since I am in the studio recording commercials here at work, my less than stellar gig since being removed from live everyday radio.

  112. I suppose it would depend on what I felt like. Don't get me wrong, I have absolutely no frame of reference to this question, other than I am a guy and I feel like a guy, but when I hear people say they are a man trapped in a woman's body or vice versa, while I can't wrap my head around it, I assume that it is true in some way, shape or form. That being said, I would guess, perhaps incorrectly, that a hermaphrodite would have stronger feelings of being one gender or another, and if it were me, I would pick the stronger of the two that I related to.

  113. I knew I would miss a question or two when I got caught up in the ebb and flow of trying to answer everything at the same time, good thing I have been going back and fixing some of my typos and what not and was able to catch this one. The answer to it is two fold.

    First, it isn't so much as having to accept it as it is me being comfortable in my own skin in being alone. Nothing saddens me more than people who think their life only has value if someone else is in it. That is a dependency issue right there that I never want to have. I am not completely closed to the idea of someday meeting someone, but if it doesn't happen it isn't the alpha and omega of my existence. The sun still comes up the next day and life still goes on, whether I am single or attached.

    That being said, I do have issues with picking women. If you were to put me in a room with ten women, all relatively equally attractive and all interested in me and one of them just happened to be mentally unbalanced, my penis would act like a divining rod searching for water and guide me directly to the crazy one above all others. It is like the guy that can eat 40 hot dogs in 3 minutes, I suppose it is a gift of some sort, but of no practical application whatsoever.

  114. lol I'm not a very gifted stalker, I have to practice on someone!


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