Thursday, January 14, 2010

Asshat - I can file this one early

Yes I know, usually the Asshat will come later, but I have the utmost confidence that this can't be topped in the next couple of days.  Some of you may remember when I threw Sharon Stone the Asshat crown for her comments regarding the earthquake in China, saying that it may have happened because of China's treatment of Tibet.  Karma I believe she called it.  Now we have another earthquake, this one in Haiti and another Asshat opens his mouth, this one Pat Robertson who first suggests the earthquake may be a blessing in disguise, then later says that Haiti is cursed because the Haitian people made a pack with the devil.  See what I mean, the Asshat is solidly locked up this week.  As for the evidence.....






  1. What do you know... a white Rev. Wright.

  2. maybe i am not as sensitive as the rest of you , it seemed to me that he was concerned for these people

    i would like to hear the entire segment and not just 2 snippets

  3. I don't think I was being over sensitive....I can't stand religious nut jobs that say "it serves you right because you don't believe in my God"

  4. I think suggesting that an earthquake happening was because the nation of Haiti had a pact with the devil doesn't strike me as concern, rather it strikes me as some made up excuse to suit to Robertsons's "my god is better than your god agenda".

  5. i did not realize that believing there is only one god was classified as being a nut job.

    i dont recall him saying anything similar to "it serves you right"

    matt, is it possible that robertson believes that turning to the one true a good thing and not an agenda?

  6. Well then you get into the whole "my god is better than your god" with Robertson believing that his god is the true god at the expense of all others with absolutely no proof to back that statement up whatsoever, just as he has no proof that Haiti made a pact with the devil, unless he was sitting in on some meetings that we didn't know about. There are lots of reasons Haiti was the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere, corrupt leadership in the Duvalier clan, a clan we turned a blind eye to during the Cold War because Papa Doc hated Catro and Communists, so who really cared how he treated his people, and in subsequent administrations that had the Corruption Perceptions Index rate Haiti consistently as one of the most corrupt countries on the planet (the latest ranking in 2009 had them as 10th most corrupt, sandwiched between Guniea and Iran), and the Clinton embargo that was enacted to punish the junta that enacted a coup on then President Aristide that also further impoverished the country for starters, things that I would argue have little to do with "curses" as Robertson called them.

    Robertson's argument that Haiti wasn't Christian enough and therefore cursed is just as ludicrous as Stone's argument that the Chinese earthquake was karma. Equally stupid and equally Asshat-able.

  7. you came close....change" my god is better than your god" to my god is the only god.
    like it or not matt you just described the word faith. you cant blame robertson for believing in one god when it is demanded by the religon that he follows.

    when you take into account that he believes that satan is the root of all evil, then everything you listed above is part of the curse that satan supposedly placed on these people.
    one could also state that the blessing in disguise comment was referring to a possible massive rebuilding effort

  8. Nah fuck that!!! of course us atheists/non believers/whatever label we are given can be absolutely disgusted by his diatribe!!!! His views are nothing more than narrow minded & pathetic, He is vile! but I still feel sorry for the man living in his pathetic little fantasy world...he should shut his mouth & keep his putrid thoughts to himself.

  9. i on the other hand dont have any preconcieved opinion of this man.,, which is probably why i am not upset over his words.

  10. Then I would argue where is your defense of Sharon Stone for calling the Chinese earthquake "karma". After all, if that is her belief then it is valid if we are going on that arbitrary means. I refuse to do so, people don't get a free pass from me under the guise of belief, faith, or anything along those lines. Tragedy strikes some people each and every day and faith has little to do with it. Perhaps we should say the children that were raped by pedophile priests were cursed because they were Christian enough, that if they just believed a little bit more some sicko wouldn't have jammed his penis in their ass, it certainly would fit Robertson's line of reasoning.

  11. free pass ? pat robertson cant ask his audience to prey for the people of haiti (the country that he believes is cursed by satan) unless he has proof ! we might as well start closing all churches now. perhaps all churches should be required to have proof before they open thier doors.
    if you expect robertson to express anything but religious opinions , so be it , i dont and that is why his words dont bother me.

  12. are you under the impression that i was defending robertson ? i am not ...i am just saying that given the fact that he is a far right religous man that believes satan is the root of evil....then i can understand why he said what he did. the fact is he showed concern for the religious salvation of these people.if i had to base my opinion soley on the clip you showed i would not believe he was being vile or he has an agenda.If i had to say if this clip was worthy of ass hat status .....i would have to give a strong nope ! In reality i would not trust this man as far as i could throw him.


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