Saturday, November 14, 2009

Stolen Content - Nothing to add

I am not going to go on a long winded speech about what follows, I have mentioned this person in the past and those that have read the page on a semi regular basis know the high regard that I have held him.  He was, imho, the gold standard for what it is that I do.  I was honored to know him.


  1. I was shocked because he had just returned to work after a long layoff because of the stroke.

  2. i know wow im still shaking my head over it.

  3. So sorry for your loss Matt.
    Had no idea he was so young :(

  4. I was unaware of his age, though I had guessed that he was around my age, which turned out to be correct (he was 43, I am 40). The loss is far greater for Pittsburgh and those closest to him than me. While I was an admirerer of his and appreciated his talents, he and I weren't that close, more passing acquaintances than anything else, he and I only briefly worked together during thsoe two months Lynn and I were on the air at WAMO. Most of what I needed to say about Lawrence I said back when he first had his stroke, so i really ddin't feel like rehashing it here, but since circumstances since then have changed in a most unfortunate fashion I felt that I should keep everyone apprised of what had happened with his passing.

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